Thanks bigwrench. Overall the blasting was o.k. The gentlemen and I worked out a deal where he used a cheaper kind of media. It was o.k. on the steel trailer, but, left quite a profile on the aluminum boat. This may be good for the paint to stick to it, I am just concerned that that texture is going to come through once painted. This would create a rough surface that would be uncomfortable to folks in the boat and may promote drag in the water. I am going to paint a test patch on the hull, and see how it covers. It might do great, if it doesn't, I can always wheel it and smooth it out a bit. Also, he did not take the crap out of the seams on the outside that someone put there in an attempt to leak seal it. This was the main reason for taking it to the media blaster in the first place. Overall, I may have to spend quite a bit more time on the hull which irks me considering I paid good money to have it blasted. If you do have it blasted or do it yourself, make sure and use soda blasting. This will allow you to spend for time on an area and around the rivets and seems. This will also create the most desirable profile for painting.
I am almost done with the trailer and ready to move on to the hull. I have a 2 year old daughter and she commands most of my attention during my free time. Willingly
So the project is moving at a slower pace than expected. (they always do) I got a good couple of coats of self etching primer on it and ready to move on to paint. Then new bunks and brand new harness and lights. (nothing pisses me off more than trailer lights that don't work, or have continuous shorts in them). Figured I would start fresh. That way I have no one to blame except for myself.
I am almost done with the trailer and ready to move on to the hull. I have a 2 year old daughter and she commands most of my attention during my free time. Willingly