1644 Monark Outboard Jet


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Aug 5, 2013
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Hey ya'll I've been a huge fan of the site and spent countless hours reading before I started my build. My boat is a 1980ish 1644 Monark flatbotom jon, I'm the third generation of my family to own this boat so it means alot to me, since I've been fishing off this boat before I could walk. The boat sat for about 5 years with no motor or cover over it before I got a hold of it so i slapped in some new floors, carpet and a 40 horse Force and hit the water. Used it for a few years and finally decided it was time to give the old tin a facelift.

Completed so Far: Transom replaced, Painted, Gluvit on inside rivets, Floors cut from that poly aluminum sign (thanks for the idea tinboats), Front deck reinforced, Hydroturf, and a 1997 40/30 Mercury Jet hung on a CMC Jackplate off the back.

Things to come: Camo, lighting, wiring, mounting trolling motor and GPS/Sonar Units...etc etc.

Here's some pics of the progression so far
I have a 1980 Mon Ark 16/44. I will say this, the boat is well built, but on the heavy side. My only complaint is I wish it was a little wider. If you have not seen my build, check it out in jetboats.
I been keeping an eye on your build and I love it!

You're right about that, this boat's a tank for it's size. I'm hoping that the 40/30 pushes it ok, the old force 40 with a beat prop would do 29-31. Shooting for 25 out of this, but not really sure what to expect, I've never even seen a jet motor before this one. My main goal has been to keep the boat as lightweight as possible, so I've taken out all the wood in favor of the lighter aluminum signs. Wish she was a little wider too, but it's usually just me in the boat or 1 more so It's not too terrible.

Sorry for the all the multiple post, I'm just figuring out posting pictures to forums.

This is how the boat sits now. I decided to Truck Bedliner the rear deck, rails, and console for some added protection. Got the floors down and the some hydroturf on them. There's a little bit of overspray on the sides of the boat from the bedliner but I'm betting once the camo goes down I'll never even notice it.

I'm hoping to get the front deck hatches made and the steering cable and wheel ran to the console tonight. And then there's always that ugly trailer in the future too.

Thanks guys I appreciate the kind words. Im Kinda torn on what camo to use. Im thinking something along the lines of digital or urban. What say yall?
Im afraid you might be right but thats as high as she'll go. It could use a half an inch or so to get it perfect. Im hoping that it decides to run where its at so I don't have to make a riser to go on the jackplate. If all else fails ill sell the foot and buy a regular lower unit.

Water test will be Wednesday.
Monark16 said:
Im afraid you might be right but thats as high as she'll go. It could use a half an inch or so to get it perfect. Im hoping that it decides to run where its at so I don't have to make a riser to go on the jackplate. If all else fails ill sell the foot and buy a regular lower unit.

Water test will be Wednesday.
Hell with that! Take that JP off and slot it a little more! Easy.
[url=https://www.tinboats.net/forum/viewtopic.php?p=355791#p355791 said:
smackdaddy53 » 14 Jun 2014, 19:09[/url]"]
Monark16 said:
Im afraid you might be right but thats as high as she'll go. It could use a half an inch or so to get it perfect. Im hoping that it decides to run where its at so I don't have to make a riser to go on the jackplate. If all else fails ill sell the foot and buy a regular lower unit.

Water test will be Wednesday.
Hell with that! Take that JP off and slot it a little more! Easy.

smart thinking brother! I might can get 3/4" but that's all I should need hopefully.

Ive got the front decks made and mounted up. Taking a hefty load of summer classes and working close to 40 hours a week is slowing me down more than I'd like.

All she likes is some 5200 over a few old transducer mount holes and slapping a steering wheel and ignition switch on it before water tests.

Pictures tonight or tomorrow hopefully.
Sorry to leave yall hanging so long on the build fellas. Shortly after my last post I started getting sick and was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. That kind of brought progress to a hault but I'm back in full force and should have some new work pics up in the next few days. Gotta get her buttoned up and all the kinks worked out before duck season! stay tuned

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