Located in Austin Texas
The boat has been used for guiding and for fun here in Central Texas with spending a majority of its life on the Lower Colorado River. In my opinion it's a perfect river boat for this area. It is not without "character" though. As a river boat it's got all the bumps, bangs and bruises that come along with running a boat like this in the shallow rivers of central Texas. However, despite the use and abuse, she remains dry as bone and well cared for. She's affectionately known by friends and clients as "The Bitchinest Boat In Town"... Seriously check it out on Instagram #bitchinestboatintown so the boat comes with a lot of "street cred" or I guess "river cred."
The Tohatsu jet drive was purchased new in 2015 and carries with it 2 more years of warranty (Jet Pump included). The engine performs as a new engine should. The boat is set up to fish 2 or 3 people comfortably and will run around 22-25 mph depending on the load. She is no speed demon but she will run in ankle deep water with 3 people and all the gear that goes along with a full day on the river. The boat is set up to fish two ways. When fishing solo or you/me and a buddy the 24 volt 75lb thrust Minn Kota trolling motor with Bluetooth foot and hand controls keeps the boat where it needs to be even in fast current. When guiding or fishing more than 2 people the trolling motor is removed and the boat is easily rowed from the center putting the anglers on the bow and stern. Seating comes in the form of 2 YETI 45 coolers with seats bolted to the tops of them that strap in to the Sea Deck covered floor (epoxy sealed marine plywood).
Bang, Bumps, and Bruises...
The boat is a SeaArk and carries with it a lifetime warranty against manufacturing defects, bad welds etc. etc.
The first repair was to some small stress fractures that developed in the bow and after a few emails the boat was picked up in central Texas by SeaArk and returned to me after they had made the repairs at their factory in Arkansas. The front platform was removed, refit and welded back in. It was at this time that the rear flotation "sponsons" were added which add about 220 lbs of buoyancy to the back of the boat which offsets the weight of the engine.
The second repair came when I opened up one of the "channels" where it meets the transom. A local shop that is well known for their propeller and aluminum work and have been in business in central Texas for a long time made the repair. If you know the area and know boats you know who I'm talking about.
The third repair came after I whacked a tree while hauling ass up a section of river in middle Tennessee while fishing for Musky (stupid fish) we had run the water the day before without issue however the water just wasn't there this time. The pictures show the tree damage and the amazing repair job by the same folks as number 2.
Other than the 3 incidents just described the boat's character is seen on the bottom from countless whams, bangs, and bumps. In 2016, I spent a couple weeks doing a full bottom job where the boat was sanded down to clean aluminum and repainted with a slick as snot bottom primer and paint compound.
The boat is "turn-key" and needs nothing. The new owner could bring their fishing gear and head straight to the water with it. I've traveled all over the country with this boat and have had a blast with it. It's just time for something a little different. The only down side to this rig is I have set it up for river fishing. I have fished the many local lakes without issue but it's a river boat through and through.
Please fell free to reach out to me via PM with any questions.
Thank you,
The boat has been used for guiding and for fun here in Central Texas with spending a majority of its life on the Lower Colorado River. In my opinion it's a perfect river boat for this area. It is not without "character" though. As a river boat it's got all the bumps, bangs and bruises that come along with running a boat like this in the shallow rivers of central Texas. However, despite the use and abuse, she remains dry as bone and well cared for. She's affectionately known by friends and clients as "The Bitchinest Boat In Town"... Seriously check it out on Instagram #bitchinestboatintown so the boat comes with a lot of "street cred" or I guess "river cred."
The Tohatsu jet drive was purchased new in 2015 and carries with it 2 more years of warranty (Jet Pump included). The engine performs as a new engine should. The boat is set up to fish 2 or 3 people comfortably and will run around 22-25 mph depending on the load. She is no speed demon but she will run in ankle deep water with 3 people and all the gear that goes along with a full day on the river. The boat is set up to fish two ways. When fishing solo or you/me and a buddy the 24 volt 75lb thrust Minn Kota trolling motor with Bluetooth foot and hand controls keeps the boat where it needs to be even in fast current. When guiding or fishing more than 2 people the trolling motor is removed and the boat is easily rowed from the center putting the anglers on the bow and stern. Seating comes in the form of 2 YETI 45 coolers with seats bolted to the tops of them that strap in to the Sea Deck covered floor (epoxy sealed marine plywood).
Bang, Bumps, and Bruises...
The boat is a SeaArk and carries with it a lifetime warranty against manufacturing defects, bad welds etc. etc.
The first repair was to some small stress fractures that developed in the bow and after a few emails the boat was picked up in central Texas by SeaArk and returned to me after they had made the repairs at their factory in Arkansas. The front platform was removed, refit and welded back in. It was at this time that the rear flotation "sponsons" were added which add about 220 lbs of buoyancy to the back of the boat which offsets the weight of the engine.
The second repair came when I opened up one of the "channels" where it meets the transom. A local shop that is well known for their propeller and aluminum work and have been in business in central Texas for a long time made the repair. If you know the area and know boats you know who I'm talking about.
The third repair came after I whacked a tree while hauling ass up a section of river in middle Tennessee while fishing for Musky (stupid fish) we had run the water the day before without issue however the water just wasn't there this time. The pictures show the tree damage and the amazing repair job by the same folks as number 2.
Other than the 3 incidents just described the boat's character is seen on the bottom from countless whams, bangs, and bumps. In 2016, I spent a couple weeks doing a full bottom job where the boat was sanded down to clean aluminum and repainted with a slick as snot bottom primer and paint compound.
The boat is "turn-key" and needs nothing. The new owner could bring their fishing gear and head straight to the water with it. I've traveled all over the country with this boat and have had a blast with it. It's just time for something a little different. The only down side to this rig is I have set it up for river fishing. I have fished the many local lakes without issue but it's a river boat through and through.
Please fell free to reach out to me via PM with any questions.
Thank you,