18'-6" Flounder Boat Build


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Tim, here in the south guys install "air motors" on their boats to maneuver over very shallow water usually gigging for flounder. An air motor is usually a small h.p. gas motor like a briggs or a honda, with a side shaft output. Often used on pressure washers, generators etc. We place these motors on the top of the platform such as the one I'm currently building with a swiveling type of mount and install a propeller on them, the props can be wood or composite material, they can be 2, 3 and sometimes a 4 blade props, depending on the size of the boat. Sizes can range also but most are around 36" in diameter. The swiveling device allows the operator to steer the boat from the front via a cable. Some guys use stick steering to push and pull the cable, others use a helm to steer. There is also a cable for the throttle. Does this help to explain?


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You gig at night with lights that are mounted on the front rails (pictures to come) that shine down in the water, cruse around looking for flounder. It's amazing out on the water at night. The best thing is you don't get sunburned. And buy the way you guys are doing a fantastic job on my flounder boat. Keep up the good work, more bud light on the way.
All the bowfishing rigs use the same fan motor setup, but with no, or at least a lower rail around the deck.


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Guys welcome one of the newest members to Tin Boats, user name re-rig, this is the owner of this rig, his name is Ron. He must be keeping tabs on me..................

bobberboy, thanx

Lowe2070, yes you exactly right, thanx for the pic to clarify

ok, here is what i got done today, I needed the 3/8" plate for the air motor hoop, as I don't normally keep 3/8" plate around, a friend of mine hooked me up with a nice piece he got from a local fab shop. I got it cut with the plasma and ready to weld tomorrow. We got all the tabs fabbed and welded on the front rail for the led lights to install. I had to mount the tabs at a 60 degree angle to allow the lights to rotate at a angle suitable for this boat, meaning the lights came with rotating brackets, but at 90 degrees the lights would not tilt down low enough for their purpose. At a 60 degree angle on the bracket it gives the owner more adjustment on the lights beam, if this makes sense. Also we mounted 2 tabs for running lights for night cruising. Check it out.


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I got finished with Ron's boat last week, been slow about updating the progress, sorry. I got the 3/8" plate welded in and added a couple of drink holders also. Ron is going to install the air motor and cables and controls himself, hopefully he will keep us updated on this build.


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Poormans Boatright said:
Thanx, Sonny and Zum

Smack, do you mean the light beam? they are white or clear, regular light beam not tinted.
If they are cool white he will hate them. Warm white or green are best for gigging lights.
Dude sick boat, personally when I gig at night I like to wade, but sick work none the less.
Poormans Boatright said:
Smack, I believe you can install filters on these lights to change colors.

Thanx, Gators
10-4, just throwing that out there, I do a lot of LED light gigging and designed some Oznium lights just for underwater use.

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