Poormans Boatright
Well-known member
Tim, here in the south guys install "air motors" on their boats to maneuver over very shallow water usually gigging for flounder. An air motor is usually a small h.p. gas motor like a briggs or a honda, with a side shaft output. Often used on pressure washers, generators etc. We place these motors on the top of the platform such as the one I'm currently building with a swiveling type of mount and install a propeller on them, the props can be wood or composite material, they can be 2, 3 and sometimes a 4 blade props, depending on the size of the boat. Sizes can range also but most are around 36" in diameter. The swiveling device allows the operator to steer the boat from the front via a cable. Some guys use stick steering to push and pull the cable, others use a helm to steer. There is also a cable for the throttle. Does this help to explain?