This weekend I started working on the fishing deck. I tried using cardboard to outline the curve of the boat but had no luck. I couldn't get close enough with my templates to make it look good. I ended up going old school by using Joggle Sticks (pattern sticks). I went to the dollar store and bought two yardsticks. I made a 6", 12", 18" and 36" joggle sticks. These take a bit longer to use when cutting curves but well worth it. You're almost dead on with the first cut and maybe only need minor trimming to get the boards the lay perfectly.
All I did was take a junk piece of plywood, that is smaller than what the final deck will be, and layed out my joggle stick by placing the point of it on the curve and then tracing the joggle stick pattern on my junk plywood. I went around the entire curve, left and right side, about every two inches or so. I then used the sticks to find where I wanted the rod and cup holders to be. Did the same process for my ice chest and so on.
I then layed this junk plywood with all of the joggle stick tracings on to my larger deck plywood and placed the sticks on the traced pattern and marked a dot at the point of the joggle stick.
Then all I did was connect the dots and cut. It takes about two hours to do each deck. My front fish deck consists of two large pieces of plywood.