1984 Smoker craft alaskan... FIRST BOAT!!!


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Jul 7, 2014
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HI My name is Ben I' 30 and I have been fishing in my father (and grandfathers before him) 13' aluminum row boat. We have had a blast in it. but no I have 4 kids and Grandpa that all want to go fishing so it was time to upgrade. I was shocked by the price of new boats and I decided to use some of my talents in carpentry, buy a good hull and make it the way I want it. there is a wealth of knowledge and experience on here so I am just glad you all are there and ready to share your opinions. :idea:

No that the bull crap part is out of the way I have a couple questions before I begin. there are three benches in this boat and I would like to remove that last 2 and put in a flat floor. however I know they provide support form the boat and there are brackets riveted from the bottom of the boat to the bottom of the benches.

any thoughts on that? I really like what this guy did
https://www.tinboats.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=10228&start=22 not sure if this is an option for me and my boat. please feel free to throw advise in my direction.


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First of all, thats a pretty sweet crew you've got there!

The bracket is a good idea and looks like it should work but I would be concerned about the strength of the bracket given that the narrowest part goes across the grain rather than with it.

You said you wanted to take advantage of your woodworking skills so I assume you'd prefer the bracket to be made of wood. If you had it fabricated from aluminum and built with wood from there, that would be the best of both. If you want to make the bracket yourself from wood, maybe look at other ways of making it to take advantage of the strength of the wood or piece it together from plywood and hardwood or pine as pictured below.

Having said all the above, maybe start by sending a PM to Crappie_Slayer and see what his experience has been. I did not read all eight pages of his post but If it's worked well for him, no reason to think it wouldn't for you.
Thanks for the input. I will be pm'ing crappie_slayer I like the idea of using stronger materials to start he brace that would hold the floor in place.
Boat got delivered today... I still need to get a trailer. What is my first step? Should I flip her over and paint the bottom (bare aluminum) and the sides while it's just sitting here? If so, what should I use. I see all the epoxy products, but they are very $ #-o . They cost more then I payed for the boat... :shock: al little guidance would be great! Thanks.
There's no need to paint the bottom of the hull unless you plan on dragging it over gravel shoals or sand bars very often. A coat of paint wears away first vs. the aluminum if your boat is going to be used in such a manor. If you cant really stand the sight of bare aluminum you can paint it but if that's not important leave it as is and you will be just fine.
today I started work on a casting deck for the front of the boat (still looking for the right name). I will post a couple pics. please tell me what you think and what I should improve on. My main concern is how to effectively seal it to keep it from rotting. I have read a bunch on this and everybody has their own opinions. :shock: Should I use epoxy resin? if so both sides or just the top and the edges. some say to use high quality exterior paint. I know there are pro and cons to each type but I thought I would bring it before the professionals before I do anything permanent.
FYI the deck has been removed until we figure out how to treat it.


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Yep, lots of opinions and preferences, little chance of consensus. I used spar varnish on mine and am perfectly satisfied. But whatever you use, coat all the surfaces with extra attention to the edges. Nice progress on the boat.
Finally found a trailer that will work for my boat. (I want to get the boat off the grass ASAP) I think it is a little heavy duty ie: all the rollers. I have torn it all apart and started to sand prime and paint it. #-o its is going pretty well! I will post pic below of the trailer and my progress. Does anybody have any thoughts on if the rollers in the back of the trailer are necessary for a fairly light aluminum boat? If not should I just extend the bunks a little and be done with them? Its gonna be a pain to sand and repaired around them, and if they aren't needed Id rather do something else. Thanks for any input!


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If you do not think you need them (which you prob don't), put them up on craigslist see if you have any takers. Its always nice to get a few bucks back into your pocket when available.
Trailer is finally getting there! it rolls again! New inner and outer bearings and races, along with bearing buddies should keep her rising smooth. here are a few pics of the progress.


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I heard some geese fly over and I am hoping to get this boat usable by the mid-season. I camo'd her up yesterday and am pretty happy with how the outside turned out. I have to complete the inside still. thought I throw up a couple pics


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Trailer does look like it was made for a much heavier boat. Without those rear rollers, I think the keel will sit on those center rollers and nothing to support it side to side. Also what is going to support the transom area of the boat and that bare trailer structure (metal horns) in back may do some damage to the boat when trying to load. might want to rethink that. I would consider putting that horizontal piece back on the trailer and adding some raised bunks front to rear.
I have been think of the best way to mount my trolling motor... it is a challenge because on the "Alaskan" style boats the bow curves up in the front. I will post some pics of what I did just I case somebody else is facing the same dilemma. I made small "L" brackets and bent the stand/base that the trolling motor will sit on out of 1/8" aluminum sheet stock.


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Finally got to start framing the floor for the boat! I am keeping it level with the bottom of the front bench, (which is the support for the casting deck.) I put 2 2X6 from front to back and ran 2x4 to the sides. I have 2 in the floor rod storage compartments. I will post more detailed pics of how this will work when I get them all done. nothing is permanently fastened in the boat yet as I am sealing them all before permanent installation.


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Here is my "in floor" rod storage! it turned out pretty good! I am still making the floor pieces.
(the two pipes on each outside are for wiring, fuel line, or whatever else may need to get from front to back)


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got original decals for it! I installed the floor and the side support/benches as well as the rod storage doors


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