Well I got most of it pulled out finally! Didn't have to drill out any rivets going through the hull either. Most difficult part was getting the large aluminum pan to come out first, took a chunk out of my hand too but nothing too bad..... little electrical tape and we were back in action. So moving forward tonight I'll be pulling out the bits of remaining foam, and cleaning the foam that's left out from between the hull and cross supports. Anyone have any good ways of getting into these tight areas to get the foam out, I used a coat hanger, knife, and screwdriver on the front but that sucked and would like to find a better way. Also, is there any reason why I wouldn't be advised to take the large aluminum pan in the bilge and cut it in half to make reassembly easier?? I don't see why it has to be one piece?
Also finding out that the guy before me who decided to "fix" it up a bit really really liked 1 1/2" self tapping screws to hold everything down and they are the biggest PITA, plus they stick out if you aren't expecting one to be there and grab you hand or clothing....... I will not use any of these when I put her back together! LOL