1989 Tracker transom problem


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Bhockins said:
What is the red hose for that is shown in picture 3014 (above)? I'm ready to disconnect the motor and remove it from the boat (to replace the transom) but would like to know the best procedure for disconnecting hoses, wires and steering linkage. Anyone know any good sources for a step by step method?

In the last picture it appears the read hose is the steering cable.

In general, you need to disconnect fuel, electrical, throttle/shifter linkage and steering in order to remove the motor from the boat. You may have to remove some grommets on the inside of the motor cowl in order to remove the electrical. May be different for your boat/motor combo. In my application, I had to disconnect the electrical connection (for the control box) inside the motor and remove the grommet in order to slide it out. I disconnected the throttle/shifter linkage from the control box. The batter cables stayed on the motor. The fuel line is on a quick disconnect. The steering line can be removed from the motor and set aside so long as you have enough slack to work with.

Good luck.
Drill the rivets, should come apart. Look in my signature about how to pour a solid glass transom, we did it on a tracker 17 deep v boat, looks just like yours. Hope this helps.
I have an 85 bass tracker and to replace mine I had to take corner plates off the unscrew the metal top cover thing and the unscrew everything on the back in order to get them off. Some screws wouldn't come off with anything so I took a dremil and cut them then pulled them out.

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