Well, I have fixed this problem with the help of people from this forum and my friend. Thanks to all of you for the help. Now, to support this forum this is what I did:
1-Solenoid from Ford
Used piece of wire from old jumper cable to wire from the battery positive to one side of the solenoid
Used 10 ga wire from the other side of the solenoid to the starter motor (per Johnson spec)
10 ga wire from battery hot to inline switch to small terminal on solenoid
10 ga ground from second small terminal on solenoid to ground on the outboard.
Now this set up works for me however you will need a good marine battery as this puts a pretty good load on the battery.
Please understand as with anything you attempt like this you do it at your own risk so do your research first to make sure you are comfortable with what you are doing.
Now, I seem to have some other problems with this motor but I think it maybe related to bad gas so I will flush the tank and the system and start with some new fuel and change the spark plugs. If this does not work next step would be to rebuild/ clean the carburetor but first will try the fresh fuel.
Again, thanks to this forum for the help.