20' Lowe Olympic Jon Boat


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Well, can't get in any fishing for the garden and other work around here. It may end soon if we don't get some rain. All private fireworks were cancelled around here due to a fire hazard! They still allowed the big shows to go on as planned. Actually the ban didn't stop the privates as I noticed several boomers in the night sky. I don't guess anyone had any incidents? You speak of fishing I did get in some a couple of weeks ago on Green River Lake here in KY. It's about 3 hours away. It's about 8,000 acre impoundment. We went there last year and caught several crappie. The Lake has a good Musky and Striper fishery in it but we didn't catch any. Fish didn't cooperate this year but I got to use my Hummingbird 798. Found two sunken boats. Both in 60' of water. They both appeared to be runabout type boats as you could see pretty good detail. Lots of other stuff down there I didn't know a lot of what I was looking at but I'm learning. Haven't gotten out with it lately as Mother in Law has fell ill and my wife is staying with her so I'm trying to hold down the fort so to speak! Will be picking/breaking beans shortly. Don't have enough to start canning but will have plenty for a big pot full! I don't know if you've followed my thread on mounting a transducer. That is on the 798 as it throws a pretty big rooster tail. I am trying to sort that out. Does yours throw a rooster tail? Sorry to get off topic again but still watching your build for that hour meter project as that's my next add on and I'm sure I can get some ideas from the pro! Take Care!
Jerry, with that light under your dock you have either an alien living under there or the CIA. Or are you leaving the light on for TOM BODETT, or maybe even NESSEY? :lol:
Hey Don, It's really a piece of Kryptonite! So far, it hasn't attracted to many fish....wonder if they are all
laying on the bottom laughing. :lol: Good to hear you are still kikkin' ....Jerry
Hey YoungGun, just saw your post....if they are 6'6" they will fit, anything bigger will have to go on the rocket lanuchers. I will have to relocate the VHF antenna to the back of the bimini sometime
in the future though.
First let me say HOLY FREAKING COW what a awesome boat!! love the paint and i am really impressed with all the maticulous detail you put into. i really like the idea of having all the opening hatches it makes so much since. the only question i have is it noisy at all? like are the hatches rattling while you motoring and is it noisy walking around on it? really awesome build i am deff going to have to borrow a few of your ideas if you dont mind.
Just read the whole thread, what a beautiful and clean build.

One question I have: I see all the deck plates are hinged, but I didn't see any latches. Any issues with them popping up in rough water? Or does the weight of aluminum hold it down sufficiently?
scsdiver said:
First let me say HOLY FREAKING COW what a awesome boat!! love the paint and i am really impressed with all the maticulous detail you put into. i really like the idea of having all the opening hatches it makes so much since. the only question i have is it noisy at all? like are the hatches rattling while you motoring and is it noisy walking around on it? really awesome build i am deff going to have to borrow a few of your ideas if you dont mind.
Hi SCS, The hatches don't make much noise but I am looking for some thin foam tape that I can put on them to make it really quiet. Some will click when you step on them and so far no fish have jumped IN the boat. I accidently dropped one
the other day and the sound was deafining. :shock: Welcome to Tin Boats, thanks for looking, and feel free to borrow away. Keep Hacking...Jerry :)

Josh in FLA said:
Just read the whole thread, what a beautiful and clean build.
One question I have: I see all the deck plates are hinged, but I didn't see any latches. Any issues with them popping up in rough water? Or does the weight of aluminum hold it down sufficiently?
Hey Josh, welcome to Tin Boats, glad to see you here. If I get in open water into a head wind, the boat does pound and things get noisy. That's my que to throttle back and enjoy the view. The hatches stay down, but I need to get those hatch pulls (that are sitting in the cabinet) installed. Thanks for looking...Jerry :)
Hi SCS, The hatches don't make much noise but I am looking for some thin foam tape that I can put on them to make it really quiet. Some will click when you step on them and so far no fish have jumped IN the boat. I accidently dropped one
the other day and the sound was deafining. :shock: Welcome to Tin Boats, thanks for looking, and feel free to borrow away. Keep Hacking...Jerry :)


Thanks for the kind words on my build. with that said if you looked at my rear hatch at all that is one i built at work. we buy this very thin 3M brand foam that sticks to darn near anything and it holds up to the weather very well. it is used in my rear hatch so i guess i will find out how well it holds up in the boat but it is firm yet soft enough and deff quiets the hatch. it is only 1/8" thick which makes it very nice. if your interested i can get you a exact part number for it or a pic of it as we get it in 25' rolls.
It's been a while, so I need to update this thread with the latest on the 'Zilla.
Had some work done by a local custom canvas shop and I'm happy with the results.


Also picked up a 24' aluminum trailer that needs a little work and I'll post some pics of that
as soon as I get it back from the shop (springs rusted out). It will extend our range
quite a bit. Still fishin' and catchin' here in Hudson.
Thanks for looking, Jerry
Jonboat Jerry said:
It's been a while, so I need to update this thread with the latest on the 'Zilla.
Had some work done by a local custom canvas shop and I'm happy with the results.

Also picked up a 24' aluminum trailer that needs a little work and I'll post some pics of that
as soon as I get it back from the shop (springs rusted out). It will extend our range
quite a bit. Still fishin' and catchin' here in Hudson.
Thanks for looking, Jerry

Well as usual your improvements are all top rate. With 22-23 pages and over 320 post on the thread, most post are of others (including myself) telling you of the quality of your work and how everything is 1st rate. Jerry I'm surprised that you don't choose to install the springs on your new trailer yourself! That job has got to be a lot easier than many you tackled and did a superb job on during the boat build! Have we found a limit to your abilities? :) :?:
fool4fish1226 said:
Covers look great Jerry and they do help with the harsh florida sun :beer:
Hey F4F, Yep, the top of the Evenrude is beginning to fade and the material for the leaning post is ok but
I'm not sure about the thread used in the seams. If you get covers made, I recommend Sunbrella which
is warrantied. Other materials are not, and cost nearly the same. BTW, "Snookered" turned out great and
I got to check out that Tiny Tach, I still don't have an hour meter.

whistler said:
Well as usual your improvements are all top rate. With 22-23 pages and over 320 post on the thread, most post are of others (including myself) telling you of the quality of your work and how everything is 1st rate. Jerry I'm surprised that you don't choose to install the springs on your new trailer yourself! That job has got to be a lot easier than many you tackled and did a superb job on during the boat build! Have we found a limit to your abilities? :) :?:
Hey Whistler, Man..those springs were soooo nasty that every time I touched them, they left a pile of rust on the floor.
The new ones are heavy (5 leaf instead of 4), bolt on shackles, axel, rusted lugs on the rims, I know when to quit.
Still, I cruised by the trailer place and it's still sitting where I left it in their lot, so if I don't see it move by the end
of the week, I'll have to do it myself :(
Great to hear from you guys and your'e still kicking. Jerry
Jonboat Jerry said:
Hey F4F, Yep, the top of the Evenrude is beginning to fade and the material for the leaning post is ok but
I'm not sure about the thread used in the seams. If you get covers made, I recommend Sunbrella which
is warrantied. Other materials are not, and cost nearly the same. BTW, "Snookered" turned out great and
I got to check out that Tiny Tach, I still don't have an hour meter.

I thought about asking you about the hour meter again but I didn't want to kick a good man too much at once! I'm still trying to properly prop my boat although I haven't been out much. I have tried the tiny tach as I wasn't sure my old tack for a 2 cycle OMC was accurate on a new 4 stroke. No need to try to prop a boat with out accurate RPM's. My brother is a mechanic and lent me his thus I didn't have to purchase one. It was so erratic on my trial runs I didn't figure any info gathered from it was beneficial. He swears by it and figures I must have gotten some interference from something? OH Well?

Jonboat Jerry said:
Hey Whistler, Man..those springs were soooo nasty that every time I touched them, they left a pile of rust on the floor.
The new ones are heavy (5 leaf instead of 4), bolt on shackles, axel, rusted lugs on the rims, I know when to quit.
Still, I cruised by the trailer place and it's still sitting where I left it in their lot, so if I don't see it move by the end
of the week, I'll have to do it myself :(
Great to hear from you guys and your'e still kicking. Jerry

Sometimes it's better to let someone better equipped to do the work handle the job. I had to move the location of a fuel return line on a aftermarket fuel tank on my tractor. I used it like it was for nearly 3 years. The old battery was a small battery and I knew when I replaced it that line was going to cause trouble. A heavier battery was 3/4 inch longer. caused me 3 days work. 1st 2 days were tear down and me trying to fix it and some phone time. 3rd day was finding someone to do it right and putting it back together. All for $30.00 and a 18 mile drive to a radiator shop. To be fair I asked everyone and no one was aware of a radiator shop still in business around here. He's just an old man that has this little shop over in the next county. I guess plastic radiators have put them out of business. Lesson learned as 2 wasted days and then I had to listen to my wife............ OUCH [-X
whistler said:
Lesson learned as 2 wasted days and then I had to listen to my wife............ OUCH [-X
Those are the critics that can sting the most Whistler. Fortunately, mine's onboard most of the time. :)

I'm also surprised at the traffic on this thread and it's length. There has been some great input from members
here, and I'm very thankful for it. :D
You been gettin that boat wet a lot Jerry? Finding any big fish to bite that hook?
Gators5220 said:
You been gettin that boat wet a lot Jerry? Finding any big fish to bite that hook?
Hey Gators,
Yes, all of a sudden the fishing has been very good here.I think it is mostly due to the cooler weather though.
Was out Tuesday and brought home tow Trout, a Black Bass, and a Flounder (first one).

The Spanish Macks are more willing to bite too.
Started work on an aluminum trailer to be used to extend my fishing range.
Here are the before pics. It's an aluminum slide on that I snagged on CL for $600

When I removed the wood bunks, I discovered some severe pitting underneath.

nother shot

After dissassembly and sandblasting, this is where I am.

I mixed up some epoxy and started filling those pits. The left corner is gone here.

After everything sets up, Ill go over it with a belt sander.
Nice work on those fish, little advice if you want it on the flounder, mud minnows are worth their weight in gold! Use whatever size lead jighead can get you to the bottom in chartreuse or red prob like a 1/4 to 1/2 oz, with a little hair on it if you want. They gobble em up!

Also nice work again on the trailer, attention to detail is also amazing as always! =D> =D> =D>

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