So I picked this up about 5-6 years ago from a friend of the family and it has served me well for the deal I got on it. It's had some very minor issues over the years but it's finally getting to the stage where it needs some serious loving. My biggest concern is that it was taking on water faster than it should and that the floor boards are getting pretty soft.
This is my first remodel and although I've poked around these forums and the facebook groups I haven't done much in the past. This is new for me, but I enjoy new things and am approaching this as not only necessary, but a learning process. My Tentative plans:
- New floors: New wood and replace carpet with vinyl
- Find/Fix water leaks
- New bench tops
- Remove ugly green paint and peeling pin stripping and decals
- Rear bench to connect the two rear side benches, a sort of "U" bench.
- Basic Audio system (2 speakers + CD/mp3 player)
- Re-design the battery system (move to under the front deck). Right now 1 battery is half sunken in one of the rear benches and the second is at my feet under the console.
- New gas tank setup (back bench): The current tank is partially sunken into the back bench. It eats up valuable sitting space. I'd prefer to either fully put it in the bench or on the ground under a new back bench.
- Re-wire the switch panel: lights, bilge, live-well
- More in-bench storage
- Foam under floor (none before)
If opportunity presents its self (ie, if I have enough time this year)
- New paint job for the hull
- Removal of leak seal on the base of the boat
- Paint and re-decal outboard
So I'm posting here hoping for help and suggestions as I go. Here is what I started with this morning:
Here is where I'm at now:
Good news is it was pretty easy to find the leak!
There were a few other leaky rivets that I'll have to squash out, but I don't expect that too be too challenging. The seams all look good, a couple of screw holes and others that also need to be patched but all seem doable. Questions on that probably to follow. For now, my main concerns and next steps are:
1) The flooring supports look flimsy, I was thinking I could pick up some additional aluminum and to run in a few places. Sound like a good idea? Or unnecessary?
2) It looks like the floors were 1/2" plywood before. I'm thinking 5/8" would be better, marine plywood for the floors and either the same or pressure treated for the benches. Is 3/4" overkill?
3) Flex Seal Removal: The previous owner obviously had a leak issue and sprayed this crap all over the bottom. What would you guys suggest to get it off?
4) What would you guys recommend for paint removal? I do have a sand blaster and was thinking maybe a fine grit abrasive would be my best plan. I don't have a lot of experience with the sand blaster but have no qualms using it, I'm just a bit nervous about the soft aluminum. The other options would be stripper + wire brush? Just curious on what others have had success with.
So that's it for now and that should keep me busy for a while. Thanks for any and all feedback or suggestions. If you have tips or other suggestions for the build feel free to let me know.
[edit] Changed the thread title to "2001" as the previous date was incorrect. [/edit]
This is my first remodel and although I've poked around these forums and the facebook groups I haven't done much in the past. This is new for me, but I enjoy new things and am approaching this as not only necessary, but a learning process. My Tentative plans:
- New floors: New wood and replace carpet with vinyl
- Find/Fix water leaks
- New bench tops
- Remove ugly green paint and peeling pin stripping and decals
- Rear bench to connect the two rear side benches, a sort of "U" bench.
- Basic Audio system (2 speakers + CD/mp3 player)
- Re-design the battery system (move to under the front deck). Right now 1 battery is half sunken in one of the rear benches and the second is at my feet under the console.
- New gas tank setup (back bench): The current tank is partially sunken into the back bench. It eats up valuable sitting space. I'd prefer to either fully put it in the bench or on the ground under a new back bench.
- Re-wire the switch panel: lights, bilge, live-well
- More in-bench storage
- Foam under floor (none before)
If opportunity presents its self (ie, if I have enough time this year)
- New paint job for the hull
- Removal of leak seal on the base of the boat
- Paint and re-decal outboard
So I'm posting here hoping for help and suggestions as I go. Here is what I started with this morning:

Here is where I'm at now:

Good news is it was pretty easy to find the leak!

There were a few other leaky rivets that I'll have to squash out, but I don't expect that too be too challenging. The seams all look good, a couple of screw holes and others that also need to be patched but all seem doable. Questions on that probably to follow. For now, my main concerns and next steps are:
1) The flooring supports look flimsy, I was thinking I could pick up some additional aluminum and to run in a few places. Sound like a good idea? Or unnecessary?
2) It looks like the floors were 1/2" plywood before. I'm thinking 5/8" would be better, marine plywood for the floors and either the same or pressure treated for the benches. Is 3/4" overkill?
3) Flex Seal Removal: The previous owner obviously had a leak issue and sprayed this crap all over the bottom. What would you guys suggest to get it off?

4) What would you guys recommend for paint removal? I do have a sand blaster and was thinking maybe a fine grit abrasive would be my best plan. I don't have a lot of experience with the sand blaster but have no qualms using it, I'm just a bit nervous about the soft aluminum. The other options would be stripper + wire brush? Just curious on what others have had success with.
So that's it for now and that should keep me busy for a while. Thanks for any and all feedback or suggestions. If you have tips or other suggestions for the build feel free to let me know.
[edit] Changed the thread title to "2001" as the previous date was incorrect. [/edit]