Well the craziest thing happen today i would of never though possible.First off this divorce was suppose to be civil and get it done fast,well it went wrong somewhere on her part as i want nothing from her but to see my child,that's it.I gave her the whole house except my belongings and my car and boat.I found out just a few days ago she hated me for the past 2yrs and was trying to get back at me.She told me to my face.We lost everything due to the economy including our house and cars and all out toys in the first place.I moved in with my mom and she moved in with her dad.I'm back as square one from when i was a kid but for good reason.It's a long story but i will leave it at i'm sick with 2 nasty blood disorders and i have to take chemo therapy for it,it has caused me to never be able to work again,i have a ss case pending and i have one of the best disability lawyers in fl who said i have it in the bag.I have had a 0 income for over 8mths now and it sucks.Thank God i have a loving mom and great friends who have helped me through this till i get my ss and my huge retro check to pay all my help back.I got the suzuki from my mother as a gift that's how i have it or i wouldn't have a motor,i had the boat and trailer for 2yrs with no motor.
Sorry don't mean to tell my life story but the point of this is i text my ex wife today and explain to her what are you fighting me for,i said she can have our child as she is a fit parent and loves our little girl as i do.After that we both have nothing as far as money,assets,i mean nothing so there is nothing for her to gain.She got a lawyer and then served me with the papers thinking since i had no money i couldn't get a lawyer,well one of my really good friends is a lawyer and my mom was going to lay out the money for me and then i would pay her back,well long story short,i talked to her today and told her why are you doing this your just costing your dad who is paying for her lawyer and my mom thousands of dollars for no reason.
I talked to her for a couple hrs and low and behold she backed out of the lawsuit or summons because she realized what she was doing was so wrong and i believe me having to get a lawyer scared her a bit as she thought i was just going to sit back and lose the case,she is going to call her lawyer tues to kill the summons and we have an original paper we are going to sign that states we want basically nothing from eachother and we agreed on a parenting plan together for our child.I can't believe she agreed to do this but she said your right i was wrong.Now i can go back to running my boat with no stress.Iv'e been stressing like you wouldn't believe.One thing this has taught me,i will never marry again.I'm 38 and now all i want to do is concentrate on my daughter and fishing,lol.
Sorry i didnt mean to vent but i wanted to explain what was going on.This the only way anyone can understand.