hey no worries

I like talking about my boats and motors too so I know where you are coming from =D>
Yeah the 11 pitch is surely not enough prop with that light setup you got. Here are some stats of what I found out on my boat : )
Ok my 1988 johny was originally a 25hp but I did the carb and intake mod to make it a 30hp. So my RPM range is 5200-5800 now instead of the 5000-5500 of the 25hp
Ok my boat is a 14ft Lowe V hull with an 88' 30hp Johnson. I tested 3 props with my new Tiny Tach today and here are my results. I run with what I will call a heavy load 25% of the time and a light load 75% of the time. When the wife and second son go out with us is the heavy load, about 250 lbs heavier than the light load (that includes the 2 extra seats I have to put in the boat). Engine specs are 5200-5800 RPM at WOT.
10X13 aluminum OMC prop
Heavy load (gross weight 1,150 lbs) =5450 RPM at WOT
Light load (gross weight 900lbs) = 5700 RPM at WOT
10.5X11 aluminum OMC prop
Heavy load =6010 RPM at WOT
(didn't even bother with light load due to high RPM at heavy)
10.13X11 stainless steel Cabela's (brand new ugh...)
Heavy load =6290 RPM at WOT
(didn't bother with light load again)
THEN I GOT GPS READINGS with the new props (minus the 11 pitch's that was way to low of a pitch)
Heavy load at 1,100 lbs
10X13 stock aluminum 25.7-26.4 mph 5550rpm
10X14 Solas stainless 27.4-28.2 mph 5500rpm
10X15 stock aluminum 25.2-25.7 mph ?
Light load at 875lbs
10X13 stock aluminum 28.0-28.5 mph 5840
10X14 Solas stainless 29.6-30.2 mph 5680
10X15 stock aluminum 27.8-28.1 mph ?
Now who is telling stories :lol: