Well-known member
Troutman3000 said:
Thats what I thought.. I guess it wasnt that obvious. :?
Troutman3000 said:
Troutman3000 said:Just took my prop off and its a 9 prop. Whatever that means.
bassboy1 said:Can you get any other numbers off your prop? I'm with Zum on the thought that with a 9 pitch you wouldn't have this trouble (you'd have the opposite problem - run out of revs before you ran out of power - that problem, however, wouldn't register much difference performance, based on load). I'm wondering if the number you found was the diameter, and you actually have a higher pitch.
bassboy1 said:All my 40's turn a 10 3/8 prop. And, out of them, the only undamaged one left is a 13.5 or 14 pitch, as my rig is probably 1/3 lighter than yours, with 15 more horsepower. Were they the same size, I would have shipped you one to try long ago.
pitdog said:To ask a dumb ? Where does your partner sit when moving?Ive got a 16 ft starcraft runabout that i cut the front out and modified.This is a big boat and all i have is a 15 hp johnson on And it planes out just fine.But when i first put the seat in front where my wife sits when moving it would not plane.So i moved it back about a foot and she does just fine now.
Zum said:Still say if the outboard is working properly,it would have plenty of power for that boat.
To me plowing through and bow in the air aren't the same thing.
I know what your saying but plowing(to me)means the bows down and your plowing(pushing)through the water and when the bows up,,I'd normally think of putting the motor closer to the transom to get it down.
Maybe try some weight movement...try alittle more up front to get the bow to come down.
bassboy1 said:I just had a thought. I, for whatever reason, was always under the impression that your old 'Rude was an '81 model. Not sure why that was stuck in my head, but it was. Hence why I also thought the props would interchange.
But, now that I see the picture, and notice it is a through hub exhaust, I see that the 'Rude is an '85 or later, as up until '84, the pin drive props, and old style gearcases were still used. Also remember, around '85 was when the hp rating changed, so the 'Rude should, theoretically, have 10% more horsepower.
So provided your motor is running well, and doesn't still have an issue that hasn't yet been resolved, it probably lacks 10% of the horsepower over the 'Rude, and as such, turns a smaller prop (glancing at the numbers, it appears the later ones turned a 10 or 11 inch diameter prop).