Believe it or not I'd say yup! A quick true story, I was fishing a lake that GETS STOCKED EVERY YEAR WITH RAINBOW'S & BROWN'S / 14 -16 IN.
Any who I used almost everything in my trout box and there's a crap load of lures and rubber's you name it I more than likely have it & nothing was hitting TOP OR BOTTOM, I believe it or not switched over to a really small snelled hook i use for crickets & hopper's. i did not have any of them but {{very small privet leaves}} growing on a bush where I was standing. I Took one of those leaves and hooked it on just with the weight of hook and leaf cast it from shore and BAM, just skippin it across the water 14 in. brown hit it. I did it again thinkin it's got to be some type of fluke? NOPE ! BAM. hit again another Brown 3 TROUT Later i walked out with 5 trout 3 rainbows & two browns!! hitting skipping top & semi submerged Privet bush leaves. Don't know if because of color, shape or size maybe way they moved in water but my tackle that day did me squat to those trout. Nothing else hit them as there are some big bass & lunker's in deeper water but that day it was privet leaf day! LOL!