5 hp outboard use for trolling


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Mine is a 55# PowerDrive. Not exactly a high end Minn Kota model but gets the job done for me.
Same one thatI have I think, mine is a 2013 model V2 power drive and has the anchor pock or whatever it is called. May not be the newest but it is pretty cool with the remote....never have to keave my comfy seat except to deploy and return to rhe cradle. Same for my Lowrance HD7, far superior to my old run of the mill fish finders, much easier to actually see marks and the down scan is pretty cool. Mine actually shows all the humps and holes on the bottom, much easier to spot schools of fish. You don't need new high end stuff, lots of good used stuff out there from folks that want the latest and greatest at a much better price !!
Same one thatI have I think, mine is a 2013 model V2 power drive and has the anchor pock or whatever it is called. May not be the newest but it is pretty cool with the remote....never have to keave my comfy seat except to deploy and return to rhe cradle. Same for my Lowrance HD7, far superior to my old run of the mill fish finders, much easier to actually see marks and the down scan is pretty cool. Mine actually shows all the humps and holes on the bottom, much easier to spot schools of fish. You don't need new high end stuff, lots of good used stuff out there from folks that want the latest and greatest at a much better price !!

Mine is the next newer generation from yours I think. Because of the current I-Pilot upgrade thread I went back and did some reading of my unit's manual. Turns out it will do more fancy things than I realized and I've had it for a few years. For example, it will retrace a previous track I've laid down. I think I might find that useful.
Mine is the next newer generation from yours I think. Because of the current I-Pilot upgrade thread I went back and did some reading of my unit's manual. Turns out it will do more fancy things than I realized and I've had it for a few years. For example, it will retrace a previous track I've laid down. I think I might find that useful.
Only had mine for two summers, I do know it will do far more than this old brain can figure out. Being a computor dummy it might take me the rest of my days to figure what all it will do.....even the thought of starting out with a brand new model....scary, very scary !!
I just sat down and read the manual, like I was reading a book. DEFINITELY worth doing. Will give you the basic idea of how to use the features. Then, it's just a matter of actually doing them a few times to lock it in your brain.

I'm definitely going to use the saved track feature.
I just sat down and read the manual, like I was reading a book. DEFINITELY worth doing. Will give you the basic idea of how to use the features. Then, it's just a matter of actually doing them a few times to lock it in your brain.

I'm definitely going to use the saved track feature.

Mine came with two sided waterproof quick reference page. It contains all the key functions including the iTrack stuff. I will start carrying it on the boat. I think I will also use the saved track feature a lot.

I actually can't believe I didn't read all the capabilities when I got the TM. Basically, I was so tickled with figuring out the autopilot I hit the lake and didn't even think about the other stuff.

Your thread about I-Pilot upgrades prompted me to dig a little deeper. Now it is like I have an upgraded trolling motor -- a BIG Thanks!
My issue is, they use terms that we computor dummies don't understand. I read one sentence and have to stop and look up the meaning of three computor terms...

I think a lot of us share that same issue. I think it is even worse with Fishfinders.
Long before I bought my 36AT for my Starcraft back in the early 90's, I had rigged a transom mount motor to a piece of 2x6 bolted to some angle aluminum on the front deck of my old Grumman. Knowing that I was too big and heavy to sit up there and drive the boat, I rigged up an arm that clamped onto the motor shaft, then I put a spring on it in both directions, adjusting it so it would naturally return to straight ahead if something happened. I then ran a cable along the starboard gunwale to that bracket with a wooden lever bolted to the side of the middle bench seat. I could fish hands free and nudge the boat left or right with my knee.
The motor was tiny, maybe 20 lb thrust or so, I still have it and it still works.

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