6/2 duplex marine wire


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Well-known member
TinBoats Supporter
Sep 15, 2013
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Uniontown, OH
I've been looking for some 6awg duplex marine wire. What I am finding is,it's not cheap! And quite a few of the places are offering only select lengths. I only need 25'.
Most are wanting a minimum order of 50', and some are posting that 25' is unavailable, but hey I can buy 100".Any suggestions will be appreciated.
If you have a West Marine (or any other marine supply) nearby, you can get wire by the foot.

Be careful of ebay or amazon wire. A lot of the "marine" wire is copper coated aluminum - no good for contact with salt water. Real marine wire has each copper strand tinned. In my opinion, if your boat won't see salt water, you don't need marine wire.
You DON’T need duplex, run individual good marine heavy AWG cable or wire and tape together every foot or so as may be needed. Make sure your ampacity can handle the maximum worst case amp load, for the length of the run & recall for AWG determination & ampacity, the ‘run’ is consider getting from battery to load AND back.

See: http://www.bestboatwire.com/ for a good source, or Del City, see: https://m.delcity.net/navi?action=home&r=IS1001&mkwid=ss5E7Zq0y&crid=272609995645&mp_kw=del%20city%20wire&mp_mt=e&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIzN3DxfrE5gIVGJSzCh1kVwXdEAAYASAAEgJQyfD_BwE
I do like having the extra layer of protection of the duplex wire.

Here"s one from amazon.
I have the same wire in 8ga that runs to my console,

My salt water boat has marine wire. My fresh water boat has regular copper wire. In the 6 or 7 years it's been on the water, there is absolutely no corrosion on the wire at all. My truck has regular copper wiring everywhere and it runs through puddles and in the rain and has never had a corrosion problem.
To Riverdog ... ‘like’ and ‘need’ are 2 entirely different discussions. ABYC doesn’t require it.

For 40-years I’ve been rewiring saltwater and ‘offshore’ boats using single wire heavy ‘cable’ and only use the duplex for maybe size 10 AWG and smaller. I have yet to have even ONE reported failure in any of those years for any circuit that myself I wired, not even one callback for even a blown fuse.
I generally use bestboatwire.com, they carry
everything by the foot, always great service.
They also dba genuinedealz.com.

$3 a foot for duplex:

$1 a foot for single cable:
kdgrills said:
I generally use bestboatwire.com, they carry
everything by the foot, always great service.
They also dba genuinedealz.com.

$3 a foot for duplex:

$1 a foot for single cable:

That looks like a pretty good site. I am trying to break the Amazon habit.
I got all my electrical supplies from Tinned Marine Wire when I did my boat several years ago. High quality stuff. They have really nice terminal connections and lugs as well. Zero complaints in the 6 or so years since I wired up my boat.

$2.84 per foot for the 6/2 AWG