6, 9.9, 15HP on a 12ft tinner


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Nov 24, 2023
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Centreville, MD
I've been running an old 6hp evinrude on a 19633 12' montgomery ward sea king and getting right about 15mph consistently. The motor is solid. Starts first pull almost every time! The weight/size/speed is 'fun' and I keep thinking, this will be perfect for the grandkids in a couple years so I don't really want to get rid of the motor. I just wish I could get a little further out the river a little faster.

Has anyone 'upgraded' a motor from a 6hp? Curious where folks ended up. Boat is rated at 10HP I believe.

Thanks for sharing your experiences/comments!
I'll give you firsthand numbers and opinion from back in the mid/late 70's. Me and a bunch of friends had about every motor you could think of back then. From a 3.6 merc all the way up to a 15 Johnson.
3.6 would barely get on plane in a 10' tin jon boat. Once it did maybe it hit 10 MPH
4 HP Sears pretty much the same.
4.5 Sears maybe 1 MPH faster and just as slow getting up.
7.0 HP from Western Auto and V bow about 14 MPH.
7.5 Merc on a fiberglass hull, 14 MPH.
7.5 Sears on a tin 12' "V" bow 14MPH
10 HP Merc really set a new standard at 28 MPH (Upgrade from the Western auto eng)
15 Johnson, 28 MPH. (Upgrade from the 7.5 Sears.)

Yes, the 10 merc and 15 Johnson ran neck and neck, I had the 15, friend had the 10. That merc was amazingly fast.

That said, I could pull a 140 pound skier, the merc could not.

May well have been the props. That speed for a young kid wil get them in trouble. I was 15 at the time.
10hp on a light weight tinnie will get an inexperienced boater in trouble quickly!! Any wake or other waves at high speed can cause a novice to loose control. If your set on moving up to a 10 hp, consider making a throttle limiter so the youngsters don't get carried away until they gain experience.
I've had several 12ft V hulls over the years, the best was a Duranautic, the fastest was a Sears hull from 1970.
I ran everything from a 3hp Evinrude to an 18hp Johnson.
Anything under 10hp would not get on plane, 10hp and larger had freeboard issues at the transom due to weight.
With the 10hp (Evrinrude 2 stroke), I had to use a tiller extension and ride as far forward as possible when alone, or have a passenger ride up on the bow. The 18hp was scary, even with a 250 lb passenger up front the bow would raise up out of the water on take off unless I feathered the throttle.
The 9.9hp Evinrude would plane the boat with just me, but struggled with a passenger.
The Sears boat was more forgiving but I soon found a 14ft that made the 9.9hp the only choice, until I found a 15hp. The added couple feet of hull length both helped the freeboard issue and the planing issue.

The Duranautic 12 was more stable though, I could stand up in that boat with no issues but the 12 and 14ft Gamefisher hulls were a tippy as a canoe.

A lot has to with your own weight too when dealing with smaller, lighter boats and small motors.
Myself, at 350lbs, eventually made a 12ft hull a poor choice with anything but an electric trolling motor and forward mounted battery. I eventually sold all my 12ft and smaller 14ft boats in favor of a 16ft hull with a 35hp, and later a 50hp for a bit but ended up going back to the 35hp. The loss of freeboard with the 50hp was too much to overcome vs running lighter with the 35hp.
I've been running an old 6hp evinrude on a 19633 12' montgomery ward sea king and getting right about 15mph consistently. The motor is solid. Starts first pull almost every time! The weight/size/speed is 'fun' and I keep thinking, this will be perfect for the grandkids in a couple years so I don't really want to get rid of the motor. I just wish I could get a little further out the river a little faster.

Has anyone 'upgraded' a motor from a 6hp? Curious where folks ended up. Boat is rated at 10HP I believe.

Thanks for sharing your experiences/comments!
I started with an old 6hp 2stroke Yamaha that the wife of a very close buddy gave me when he died. It was a long shaft kicker he used as an auxiliary motor in his larger boat.
I accepted it with the notion of setting up a small boat for exploring Florida rivers, lakes and coastal areas. I hung it on jack plate mounted to a 12’ StarCraft. But it didn’t take long to snap the tiller completely off while trying to tilt it out of thick weed. That motor ran good, but barely got the boat up on plane… I replaced it with a new 9.9 4stroke Yamaha, which was a game changer! I think it’s the perfect set up. I get 23mph+ solo, and can still get on plane with a passenger or two… The new motor is a short shaft, but I still love having the jack plate.


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I had an older 12ft Mirrocraft for a while and I ran a 6hp Johnson on it, it wouldn't get on plane at all, I found a clean 82 9.9hp Evinrude and hung that on it and gained very little. It went a bit faster and did better into the wind but still wouldn't plane the boat. I bought a hydrofoil for the thing and it changed everything. It pushed the stern up on plane almost right away and from there it would cruise nicely. It was better with two people in it than just one unless I used a tiller extension that let me sit in the middle seat.
I happened on a late 80's model Yamaha 15hp with electric start and I hung that on the back and the boat all but flew. It was faster without the hydrofoil but it still plowed water for a long way before popping up on plane so I put a hydrofoil on the 15hp as well. That was the ticket. I got almost 24 mph out of it and if running with an outgoing tide and some wind behind me, I got it to 29 mph once. It was probably over powered but with me in it, it was also likely overweight as well.
When they make the HP limits they must not take into account that not everyone is 150lbs. I'm double that and then some.
I had an older 12ft Mirrocraft for a while and I ran a 6hp Johnson on it, it wouldn't get on plane at all, I found a clean 82 9.9hp Evinrude and hung that on it and gained very little. It went a bit faster and did better into the wind but still wouldn't plane the boat. I bought a hydrofoil for the thing and it changed everything. It pushed the stern up on plane almost right away and from there it would cruise nicely. It was better with two people in it than just one unless I used a tiller extension that let me sit in the middle seat.
I happened on a late 80's model Yamaha 15hp with electric start and I hung that on the back and the boat all but flew. It was faster without the hydrofoil but it still plowed water for a long way before popping up on plane so I put a hydrofoil on the 15hp as well. That was the ticket. I got almost 24 mph out of it and if running with an outgoing tide and some wind behind me, I got it to 29 mph once. It was probably over powered but with me in it, it was also likely overweight as well.
When they make the HP limits they must not take into account that not everyone is 150lbs. I'm double that and then some.
The hydrofoil sounds like something that might improve my 14ft Tracker and 9.9 hp (with 15 hp carb) Merc. Do you remember the brand of your hydrofoil? Thanks!
About 15 years back or so i bought a cheap 12ft Duranautic at a yard sale. I thought it would make a good small pond boat. For $100, for a boat that looked like it had never seen the light of day since it was new I couldn't go wrong.
I had a 6hp Evinrude, about a 1974 model, the boat was also that same year but rated at 10hp max.
With the 6ho, it topped out about 11 mph and unless I put a hundred or so pounds up front it rode bow high and did nothing but plow water.

I hung a 9.8hp Mercury on it a new in the box 1973 motor I bought at an estate sale. With the 2 blade prop is was slow to get moving, I switched to a three blade prop off a 7.5hp Merc and that did a lot better it took off quickly but would not get on plane and topped out at 12 mph on the GPS. (With the 2 blade prop it would wash out under the boat and the hull would sink below the surrounding water as it started to move but never get going with any speed, it just pushed the bow up and the transom down even when trimmed all the way in. The three blade stopped this but the lower pitch meant is moved less water. With the three blade prop it was able to reach full RPM though.

I picked up a 1985 15hp Johnson for cheap and gave that a try, that was better by a long shot, it got me up to 21 mph but it still struggled to get on plane unless I put weight up front. A tiller extension helped but only a little.
I added a hydrofoil, (Dolphin brand with a Kmart tag on it) and it would pop right up on plane in a matter of maybe two boat lengths and stay there but with the foil my top speed was only 17 mph. I also had to add a tab to correct for some pull to one side. The kit came with two little stabilizer tabs that screwed to the bottom of the plate for just that purpose.

I didn't I moved that motor to a 14ft hull the following year but got a 9.9hp Evinrude for the 12ft boat. With the same hydrofoil it did nearly the same out of the hole as the 15hp, maybe even a bit better, but I lost 3 mph in speed topping out at only 15mph. Which was fine for that boat. I still needed to add ballast weight because at rest the motor weight and my 350lbs made the boat sit dangerously low in the stern. A long throttle extension would have helped but I still had to sit in the back to start the motor and with only an inch of freeboard it was an accident waiting to happen.

I was never a big fan of those hydrofoils because of some handling issues I saw with one on a 16ft runabout a buddy had. The boat had a fairly flat bottom with little for a keel and almost non existent chines. With a 50hp on that boat and a Quicksilver brand hydrofoil, it the boat would spin out on turns if you weren't careful and that hydrofoil would dig in as the boat came to a stop jolting everyone out of the boat. Without it, the boat wouldn't get on plane with more than two people in it, with it that boat would plane with four adults and two kids or pull a skier with two onboard.

I've had four or five of those hydrofoils over the years, ranging from one that was no more than a stainless steel plate cut into a delta shape with a sight down turn on each side, to one that had 9 ribs on each side called an "Excalibur II" and several other renditions of the plastic bladed design.
The flatter style foils lose the least amount of speed but don't have as much lift at low speed with a smaller motor. They still work but don't work as well at lower take off speeds. I tried one on a 6hp and all it did was hinder the boat still not fully getting on plane.

The Dolphin style version is shaped more like an airplane wing and I think it provides more lift with less speed.

I do recommend making real sure the motor is firmly attached when using a hydrofoil though. They push hard in the upward direction and tend to really put a lot of force on the motor clamps. I found myself having to really torque down on the clamp screws over and over. I eventually put a serrated plate under the motor clamps on the inside to they didn't eat up the wood transom panel. On my current boat, I put two bolts through both for security and to prevent it from coming loose.

I run the 15hp on my 14ft Seafarer 14L now with the Dolphin foil, the motor is not bolted but I replaced the motor clamp screws with stainless steel aftermarket versions with hex heads so I can crank down on them with a wrench, which I carry in the boat. (Using SS screws in place of the original aluminum ones requires liberal amounts of anti seize compound so they don't fuse to the threads due to being dissimilar metals.

The 1999 14ft boat does nearly the same speed as the 12ft boat, likely because it drafts less water with the same weight. The 12ft Duranautic sat low despite being nearly completely flat on the bottom, it handled stern weight poorly. The Starcraft SF14L has more of V further back but the added width and hard chines on both sides make it much more stable in the water. Its also rated for 35hp on the CG plate and 1140 lbs where as the 12ft is only rated at 560 lbs total weight and 10hp. The 20" increase in length makes a huge difference due to an added 15" of beam width.
Sounds like those 9.9 & 15hp motors need some work. My 14' Starcraft and 9.9 Evinrude had no problem getting on plane once the load was balanced. Then upgraded to 15 hp...not only got up on plane but could top out at almost 24 mph under ideal conditions. That boat was the widest and deepest on the market in 1994.
Things that are slowing you down.
Total weight.
Weight distribution.
Wrong propeller.
Wrong engine height.

You can improve speed and handling by adjusting these variables so that your engine is running wide open throttle in its recommended wide open throttle (WOT) range. Past that, there are few free lunches.

Once you have maximized your setup by addressing the variables above you may find a whale tail might help. That being said, they will almost always cost you some top end speed. Sometimes it might be worthwhile.

Good luck!
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Plowing behavior sounds like things are not trimmed right.
I trimmed the motor all the way forward, it just kept lifting the bow and digging a hole i the water if I cranked too hard on the throttle.

The same 15hp moves my buddies 1648 jon boat at 21 mph, but on the smaller Vhull it never pulls the stern out of the water. With just me and the motor I had less than an inch of freeboard at the top of the transom. It was better with a tiller extension with me in the middle seat..
It just couldn't take my weight and the weight of the motor.
I'm about 340lbs, the motor is about 75 or so.
I thought it would do better myself because it was so light, I could flip it over and car top it on my wagon with ease, the hull was only about 130 lbs or so.

Prop wise, there's not a whole lot of choices for a 9,9/15hp OMC, maybe one two or three options I think the prop is a 9.25 x11p

The problem wasn't the motor it was the hull being too small for me. It felt like I was in a short tippy canoe. In the only slightly larger Starcraft its stable, fast, and quick to get on plane. The hydrofoil helps the smaller motor a lot but robs some top end.

I sold it to a neighbor and he hung a 90's Mercury 9.9hp four stroke on it and its fine, but he's likely only 120 lbs or so. If I sat at the stern with that motor it would likely sink.

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