72 StarCraft Aluminum Boaters


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Jun 4, 2024
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Nashville TN
Nashville TN
I have a 1972 StarCraft boat. No boar ID, but a decal that says a Starfisher model number 721555. Looks like it was built for a consul, but has none. Has a live well and max hp of 50. Any other info would be appreciated.


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Its hard to tell by your pics.
A 1972 HIN number (serial number) should begin with the letters STR, your hull could be older.
It was always my assumption going by boats I've owned in the past that the first digit on the older models was the year, the second likely the month or first digit of sequential production. I don't think it denotes the model though.

50hp max sounds like an early 16ft hull, my old 1967 16ft Mariner had a 50hp max hp with a small side console on the starboard side. (Serial number on that boat was 713939),

They also made a larger 16ft hull, with a wider beam, and most were rated at 65 and 80hp.
Here's a link to the 1967 brochure:

Starcraft Catalog - 1967

You mention the name Starfish?
Starfish was a name given to late 60's 12ft car topper modified V hulls and again in later years to the 176 model, late 1990's and up.
Your hull is older, with the riveted breast plate at across the bow. Neither the older or newer 'Starfish' models have that wide breast plate on the bow.

Many states issued new titles when the rules changed in 1972 which required all new models to use a standardized HIN numbering system that denoted the manufacturer and the model year.
Welcome to Tin Boats forum.

It certainly has many of the same design elements as our ‘67 StarCraft Mariner V. There wasn’t allot of change year to year, back then.
that hull looks older than '72, by 72 they had begun to change up the laptstrake outer hull a bit.

Starcraft changed their hulls quite a bit around 1965, and again after 1975 or so.
Boats prior to 1972 didn't have a HIN on the right rear of the transom, but ALL boats in 1972 and newer had a 10 digit serial number or HIN in the rear preceded with a three digit mfg code.

From 1965 to 1971 very little changed, some models or style were added and subtracted but the hulls themselves were the same, just sometimes used or built in different ways.
The Mariner came both with and without a console, I had a '67 that had only tiller steering and three pedestal seats, but I added a Stik Steer set up and remote controls for the Mercury 500 motor I put on it in place of the original West Bend 50hp it came with.
The hull layout of an SS was similar but with a slightly deeper hull, 80hp max rating and two side consoles. It was also slightly longer and a bit wider, I think 69" vs 72" or there about.
I had a '71 Super sport with a later 75hp Johnson on it felt like it would almost fly sometimes.
I had a 16ft '63 closed bow model, likely a stardust or similar model that someone had put a 115 on and that boat was downright dangerous with that motor. It was good for leaving unsuspecting passengers behind if you took off in a hurry. Those were some of the best aluminum boats ever build in my opinion, not much compared to them or lasted as long. Most that weren't scrapped in the made craze for aluminum scrap years ago are still in good shape today or would be with some new wood bits.

By 1972, the Mariner model had become an 18ft and 20ft model choice, with a center console and with 125 and 140 hp max hp ratings. These were likely just Super Sport models built with a center console.

1972 Starcraft 18 Mariner-V.jpg
that hull looks older than '72, by 72 they had begun to change up the laptstrake outer hull a bit.

Starcraft changed their hulls quite a bit around 1965, and again after 1975 or so.
Boats prior to 1972 didn't have a HIN on the right rear of the transom, but ALL boats in 1972 and newer had a 10 digit serial number or HIN in the rear preceded with a three digit mfg code.

From 1965 to 1971 very little changed, some models or style were added and subtracted but the hulls themselves were the same, just sometimes used or built in different ways.
The Mariner came both with and without a console, I had a '67 that had only tiller steering and three pedestal seats, but I added a Stik Steer set up and remote controls for the Mercury 500 motor I put on it in place of the original West Bend 50hp it came with.
The hull layout of an SS was similar but with a slightly deeper hull, 80hp max rating and two side consoles. It was also slightly longer and a bit wider, I think 69" vs 72" or there about.
I had a '71 Super sport with a later 75hp Johnson on it felt like it would almost fly sometimes.
I had a 16ft '63 closed bow model, likely a stardust or similar model that someone had put a 115 on and that boat was downright dangerous with that motor. It was good for leaving unsuspecting passengers behind if you took off in a hurry. Those were some of the best aluminum boats ever build in my opinion, not much compared to them or lasted as long. Most that weren't scrapped in the made craze for aluminum scrap years ago are still in good shape today or would be with some new wood bits.

By 1972, the Mariner model had become an 18ft and 20ft model choice, with a center console and with 125 and 140 hp max hp ratings. These were likely just Super Sport models built with a center console.

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Thanks for the reply. I have added two additional pictures.


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Well, the tag says "KingFisher" and that was a model from Starcraft around that time. Looks like a slightly reconfigured Mariner-V 16', which also had a 50HP limit. All the Kingfisher pics I found showed a console, but a prior owner might have removed it.
The Kingfisher model first showed up in 1973, only a Mariner is shown in the 1972 brochure.
Starting with 1972, like mentioned above, the HIN should have 10 digits beginning with STR.
On these hulls, the year is in the serial number, but in prior years the serial number was simply sequential. I went though all this with my 1975 SS trying to determine what the boat had started life as since it was highly modified by the time I got it.
If you email or call Starcraft they may be able to help but from past experience, they only seem to have accurate info back to about 1974, but on occasion they do find what your looking for on older models. The company changed hands around that time thus the changes in the models and push to modernize their offerings around that time.
The smaller hulls remained pretty much the same as in years prior, just the names changed.

In 1973, the Kingfisher was a 15ft boat
1974 it became a 16ft model
and in 1976 they show both a 14ft ad 16ft Kingfisher and comes with a side console. (The Mariner has a center console and appears to have stepped up a size to the Super Sport hull)
Starcraft for '76
1977 was a year of changes with many more models offered
Starcraft for '77 (77 brochure shows only the cruisers, so either they lost the files or possible the '76 modles were carried over.

I've got a pretty decent collection of older brochures from Starcraft and I've never found a '72 brochure, and many years only show a partial lineup with no reference to the other models. Without having been in the business back then all I can do is speculate as to why this is. Even Starcraft doesn't have any other brochures.
Starcraft Prior Year Brochures

The 50hp max tells me its the smaller of the 16ft wide gunwale hulls.
If it it is indeed a 1972, then its an oddity as they don't show a Kingfisher in '72.
The Serial number plates on my 1975 all read the full STR750404XX HIN the same as the riveted number plate on the upper right rear of the transom.

Take a pic of the rear upper corner of the transom, there should be a number plate affixed there or two holes were it once was. I don't know if they still do it, but years ago they would provide a new plate if yours was missing. I got a replacement for my 1975 back in 2006 or so.
In some places that rear plate is a requirement, it being gone would make most marine police here suspicious. If the plate is missing here they require that you get a hull inspection done where they determine whether or not it is the boat you are trying to register, if all goes well they will reissue a state serial number plate to affix to the back of the hull.
My 16ft Starcraft Starmist also had a PA issued HIN because they did not recognize the original HIN number for some reason, so the boat gained a new number but retained the original number as well.
Do you have a title for this boat? I acquired my 1974 StarCraft with a title, but missing the HIN plate on the stern. Florida requires a HIN plate for 1972 and newer. I was able to get the original HIN# from the title and order a replacement plate from Amazon.IMG_5266.jpeg
Well, the tag says "KingFisher" and that was a model from Starcraft around that time. Looks like a slightly reconfigured Mariner-V 16', which also had a 50HP limit. All the Kingfisher pics I found showed a console, but a prior owner might have removed it.
There are plugs, the color of boat, where a console would be. It does look like it was manufactured without a console. it has decals on the sides that say walleye hunter. The “name plate “ is stamped Kingfisher model 721555.
The HIN plate on my '75 Super Sport that I got from Starcraft was identical to the original type it was punch stamped aluminum plate with the same 12 digit format as the pic Tribull posted above.
The inside plate was stamped "MODEL: Super Sport - Serial No. : STR50404M75B "

Your plate clearly says the model is Kingfisher but clearly reads 'Serial No. 721555'

That number is eitehr incomplete for some reason or its not a '72 or newer boat in which case the Model Kingfisher is out of place as they do not show that model being made prior to 1973.
Having the full HIN number will tell the date.
From what I've seen that serial number format and model never went together but there really isn't any definitive listing as to how or what their numbering system meant.

I do know that they built certain hulls in different factories but I don't know if they stamped the numbers any different but I do know that if the boat is 1972 or newer, it did come with a transom HIN number plate if sold in the USA.

Its entirely possible that they sold a 'console delete model but it appears unlikely that they sold a 1972 model Kingfisher. Neither Starcraft nor any bluebook or registration records show or allow me to search for that model in 1972. Nor have I run across one before but to be fair, where I live, I've never seen a Mariner or KIngfisher here. The common models here are the Super Sport and Holiday, with a few Cheiftain and Islander models popping up from time to time from that era.
If it were mine, and I had a title that matched the boat and numbers, I'd call it all good and just use it. I'd likely assume it was somehow an early 73 built minus the console. On most models though if it didn't have an option, it was generally not drilled for it then plugged. They were hand fitted on the floor when built. The practice may have occurred in later years but I've not seen it yet. Starcraft Bots was under the Bangor Punta conglomerate umbrella in those years, from what I can tell it looks to have lasted from around 1967 to 1984. 1972 appeard to be a year with a big push on their fiberglass models with no signs of a new aluminum model brochure that year. I do know they made 1972 models because my buddy owns a 1972 Islander model.
Its hard to tell by your pics.
A 1972 HIN number (serial number) should begin with the letters STR, your hull could be older.
It was always my assumption going by boats I've owned in the past that the first digit on the older models was the year, the second likely the month or first digit of sequential production. I don't think it denotes the model though.

50hp max sounds like an early 16ft hull, my old 1967 16ft Mariner had a 50hp max hp with a small side console on the starboard side. (Serial number on that boat was 713939),

They also made a larger 16ft hull, with a wider beam, and most were rated at 65 and 80hp.
Here's a link to the 1967 brochure:

Starcraft Catalog - 1967

You mention the name Starfish?
Starfish was a name given to late 60's 12ft car topper modified V hulls and again in later years to the 176 model, late 1990's and up.
Your hull is older, with the riveted breast plate at across the bow. Neither the older or newer 'Starfish' models have that wide breast plate on the bow.

Many states issued new titles when the rules changed in 1972 which required all new models to use a standardized HIN numbering system that denoted the manufacturer and the model year.
The boat has this decal on both sides. Don’t know if this mean anything or not.


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St Croix is a fishing rod company, someone got those decals from something they purchased as a promotional item like a hate or jacket. or participated in a sponsored tournament. Those decals are way newer than the boat. That logo came about in the 2000's or so.
St Croix is a fishing rod company, someone got those decals from something they purchased as a promotional item like a hate or jacket. or participated in a sponsored tournament. Those decals are way newer than the boat. That logo came about in the 2000's or so.
Its hard to tell by your pics.
A 1972 HIN number (serial number) should begin with the letters STR, your hull could be older.
It was always my assumption going by boats I've owned in the past that the first digit on the older models was the year, the second likely the month or first digit of sequential production. I don't think it denotes the model though.

50hp max sounds like an early 16ft hull, my old 1967 16ft Mariner had a 50hp max hp with a small side console on the starboard side. (Serial number on that boat was 713939),

They also made a larger 16ft hull, with a wider beam, and most were rated at 65 and 80hp.
Here's a link to the 1967 brochure:

Starcraft Catalog - 1967

You mention the name Starfish?
Starfish was a name given to late 60's 12ft car topper modified V hulls and again in later years to the 176 model, late 1990's and up.
Your hull is older, with the riveted breast plate at across the bow. Neither the older or newer 'Starfish' models have that wide breast plate on the bow.

Many states issued new titles when the rules changed in 1972 which required all new models to use a standardized HIN numbering system that denoted the manufacturer and the model year.
Thanks for replying.What’s the transon height on these Starfisher boats, mine is 20 inches.

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