I am not addicted to salt like others, but I do have to add it to a raw potato or watermelon. Can't go without the salt on those. I drink a lot of kool-aid though and I load it down with sugar, but as for my last check-up at the doc, I'm healthy as a bull according to my blood-pressure and cholesterol.
One thing when talking about food in general, this may be off subject a bit. I know a man that is now 103 years old. This man gets around like he is in his 50's. His mind is excellent and he never has any sickness. Doctor's tell him he is very healthy to be as old as he is. Now to what he told me his meals consist of, and this is what he said.
"I don't eat nothing unless it comes out of my garden or from my animals." I talked to one of his sons, who is 80-years-old himself and he told me that his dad will not eat any meat from the store, no fast food, and no vegetables. Basically nothing that is shipped to supermarket's is consumed by him. When I was talking to him, he told me not to take off because he was getting ready to kill a chicken and fix up some chicken & dumplings.
As for liquid intake, he doesn't drink any types of soft drinks, only water. It just makes me wonder what we are taking into our bodies sometimes because we don't know were all this food comes from that we consume, or what is placed in it.
If any of you ever saw what a hot Mt. Dew will do to a rusty bolt, you would change your tune about consuming it. WD-40 or Liquid Wrench can't touch a hot Mt. Dew for breaking rust free on bolts.