I bought this boat two years ago and had to do some work to get it on the water. As the earlier post show, I rebuilt the transom and bought a new 20hp motor.

The fishing is good, but I'm frustrated with storage, rotting decks, and no fish finder. So, it's time to do a complete rebuild. I stripped all the old decking out of the boat.

Today, I pulled the motor and flipped the boat on to saw horses. I started cleaning the old paint off with a wire brush.
Now I have questions...
1. Do I need to bang out the dings in the bottom?
2. Do I need to fill the scratches on the bottom?
3. What would you fill them with?
4. Will the wire brush marks show when painting? I'm planning on using Steelflex like so many others mentioned.
5. How clean do the rivet heads, rib edges, ... have to be clean?

The fishing is good, but I'm frustrated with storage, rotting decks, and no fish finder. So, it's time to do a complete rebuild. I stripped all the old decking out of the boat.

Today, I pulled the motor and flipped the boat on to saw horses. I started cleaning the old paint off with a wire brush.

Now I have questions...
1. Do I need to bang out the dings in the bottom?
2. Do I need to fill the scratches on the bottom?
3. What would you fill them with?
4. Will the wire brush marks show when painting? I'm planning on using Steelflex like so many others mentioned.
5. How clean do the rivet heads, rib edges, ... have to be clean?