aluminum boat paint and primer?

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Feb 1, 2009
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i have begun stripping my boat down to the bare metal, and so far, it looks great. there is EXTREMELY light pitting all over it, but it is very shallow, just feels a bit rough when you run your hand across it. not enough to damage to boat. so i was wondering how to apply a durable coat of paint, and what kind of paint and primer to use? it is bare aluminum. thanks for all the help, mike.
you can do a search for paints and primers, techniques and all that - I think this will probably be the 10th time I've done this in the last month, but here goes again!

1 - self etching primer (couldn't tell ya a brand name..) I used zinc chromate as a primer for mine. With any paint, make sure to think it out before you apply it. You can brush, roll or spray the paint on. Multiple thin coats with wet sanding in between each coat will last you a long time. The more coats you put on, the more the pitts will become unnoticeable

2 - Paint.. Brands - Brightside Interlux Polyurethane, or Petit EasyPoxy.. either one is good and they both have different colors. These are best applied with a spray gun - for details on that, you can skim through my "Alumacraft 1236 Makeover" mod page and see how I did mine. Again, multiple coats with wet sanding between each coat.

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