I had one of the harbor freight portable garages, my thoughts were I'll put it up see how long the tarp last. When the tarp gets torn I'll sheet it with barn metal like a pole building. I didn't use the ground anchors as I couldn't get them in the ground I was putting it up on hard packed gravel. So I used a three point post hole digger on a tractor I borrowed to get holes dug I put a pipe extension bases so they went into the hole and cemented in the frame to the ground. I also drilled holes and ran metal screws through each joint piece into the pipe. My tarp actually held up really well I put the shelter up around four years ago now, it has survived some heavy winds, the key to the tarp is not to over tighten it and not under tighten it I think. If it's too loose it sags collects snow easily, too tight it stresses the seams. I sold the house and moved to a different one so I no longer have that shelter I wasn't moving it when I could buy another for $170. I drove by my old house the other day the shelter is still standing and the tarp covering was still in tact for the most part the zipper front door appeared to be gone. I don't see the snow like you do in your area, but we do get snow it never caved in. I have since bought another I need to put up at my new to me house so I have a covered area to park my boat under again.