Anybody ever use Seadek?

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Well-known member
Feb 23, 2009
Reaction score
Olive Branch, MS
I haven't been around here now for several months but I found this product today and it looks very interesting. It looks very comfortable and would add some really good sound dampening in a tin boat. The price looks right too! $4.25 for a 39" X 77" sheet?!?! Way less than carpet. They say it will last 5 to 7 years which by that time, you'll probably be ready to redo her again anyway.

** I do not have any connection to this product or the website. I was cruising around on the site and saw a link to it and checked it out.

I actually was watching a local boating show on TV and they did a segment with these guys! Seems like neat stuff....especially the custom printing.
Never mind, I see now. Completely missed the Purchasing link... :oops:

Well, I guess it's not near as cost effective as what I thought. Still, a slick looking product and if you were really sinking some money into your project, you might be able to make it work.

After looking at the purchasing page I'm even more confused. They don't mention a 39X77 sheet anywhere on there. The next Q/A is:
Q. What is the largest size I can order?

A. 39”x77” in sheet form.