Anyone have a hood ornament on their jon boat?

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Jun 20, 2013
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Stupid question, but I'm rehabbing an old 12' v-hull jon and think it would be fun to stick a hood ornamen up there. There's so many options - the ram, the bust, the plane, hundreds of options. I had been thinking about it and spotted a Jaguar hood ornament on a similar craft on the lake the other day. So I know I'm not the first with this idea, or to follow through on it

Does anyone have pictures of what they have on theirs?

Just curious. Classy up the ol girl
Johnr357 said:
Gotta go with the hula dancer dash ornament
+2 and a bottle opener somewhere near by ....Jerry :)
I vote for one of those Great Dane truck hood ornaments.

Sorry, no pictures, but I HAD an floating eyeball with a top hat on it but it eventually got wiped out by the anchor line.
mine is a red bone hound ...named rose..:)...... and a CAT DIESEL POWER metal plate on back..