Anyone tried this??

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Well-known member
Jan 6, 2015
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I had an idea today guys...

So I built my boat recently with a wooden deck and have recently decided to scrap it. Despite sealing it with 3 or 4 coats, I still will remove it for Duck Season to rebuild it in a manner more conducive for my hunting purposes (rather than Bass fishing). Also, I would be worried in its current state how it would handle with carpet and wood, as I hunt every day almost in rainy and snowy and muddy disgusting conditions.

I have planned to build a nice floor with aluminum, but what about fiberglass? Has anyone thought of making a deck or floor from fiberglass for their aluminum boat? I feel like this would be a great idea as the mould for it would be fairly simple and cheap, and the material would be very thin compared to similar strength wood. Also the weight would be reduced. Then too, if any issues arose, I would be able to cut and patch them. No mold or rot issues ever either. Has anyone done this? I'm seriously thinking about it.
Or perhaps 1/4" ply covered and sealed with fiberglass matting and cloth to increase strength and make it never rot???
In my experience fiberglass to be strong enough for your purpose will be a lot more weight than just using aluminum.
Not sure if this will work for you but it should be much lighter.
I hunt and fish out of my boat as well. I have a 1/4" aluminum floor covered with an antiskid called Soft Sand. I'm sure, like me, your boat gets muddy and grimy after hunting and being able to wash it down easily is nice. Just a quick wash down with the hose after a day of hunting gets all the junk out of it. My buddy has a glass boat that is carpeted. The carpet in his is harder to get clean and holds MUCH more water than what an un carpted floor would. Not really an issue for a fishing boat used in the warmer months, but I wouldn't want carpet in a boat I hunt out of all fall and winter.
Yeah I really want something conducive for duck and deer hunting. The boat I have now built how it is just isn't smart for that purpose. Though for what I have into it, it has served very well for fishing.

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