Anyone video tape their fishing at times?

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My fishing trips are too boring for a video. I do good to get an interesting still shot every once in a while. :oops:
My girlfriend and I use a GoPro to shoot vids when we're fishing. But, we didn't have a head mount last summer so the few vids we have are kinda short and the sound isn't the best. I'll try to find em to post em up. One was my 44" Northern!
44"/22+lb Northern. Last trip of the year. I fought her for over 25 minutes trying to get to shore because we forgot the net :lol:

Short one into some sketchy waves [-o< People told me I need a bigger boat after watching it lol
It happens. :)

Popperfishing for perch:


Just bought a cheapish UV-camera for my downriggerweight, so hopefully 2014 will give me film of a trout attacking my trolled lure as well. Time will show.
When I can remember to bring it along!Just a handheld but it shoots fine.It's me not the camera!Once in a while I get some decent shots :wink: Most of the time I get in a hurry to go fishing and well! that's not the only thing I have forgotten :oops:
Here's a few of ours:
I have a gopro most times I go out.
Second fish is my biggest using a fly rod...topwater.
I only video top water fishing,the second video is a 21.5" buzzbait smallie.

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