The govt didn't build the tanks goofballs, if the private side could build a decent tank that met fed regulations we'd be fine.
Maybe not but, they set the mandatory guidelines on how tanks and fuel lines must vent and how much can permeate through into the atmosphere. The changes cost all of us millions and millions to re-design and produce. Consumers now pay a ton more as well.....for less than adequate products. And all of these guidelines for an industry that uses way less than 1/10 of 1% of the total fuel used in the US. That's your Government at work for you. This next election can change your life....choose wisely!
Can they build an adequate tank? You bet they can....but you wouldn't want to pay what it would cost to do it.
This is correct. I had worked alongside some of the engineers (briefly...couldn't stand it) in a UTV factory. One of the very many things I learned was about government mandates and what they really cost. For instance, the fuel lines were required to be low-permeation design. Engine could not vent the crankcase to the atmosphere. On that subject, they had a diesel version as well, and diesels carried the exact same crankcase vent issue. Problem is, with a diesel, it will run on it's own oil, and shutting the fuel off has zero effect. BIG safety issue in a rollover accident. The exhaust emissions (noise and chemical both) had to meet certain guidelines. The tires and brakes had government mandates that had to be met. The payload capacity dictated how it was built; for instance, in the state of California if the cargo capacity is 1000 lbs or higher, it is considered a pickup truck, and will be subject to even more regulation. So on and so forth with all the mandates, regulations, laws, and rules. All this stuff costs. One unit was designed, and passed the engineers' inspections, then it had to be trailered to an inspection facility, rigorous inspections made, etc. All told, the inspection process cost around $10,000. If they sold 10,000 units, that adds $1 per unit, plus whatever the build cost increase was for whatever new regulation was imposed.
Then learned something interesting about lawn mowers a while back. A certain manufacturer was building mowers, but buying the engines from Cat (perkins). We all know that diesels are required to have a soot filter system if they're over 25 hp. Both of this manufacturer's diesel mowers were over 25 hp (one was 26, the other 35 IIRC). They looked into the cost of retrofitting. It would have added almost 150 lbs to the weight and more importantly, about $5500 to the build cost. They stopped production needless to say, they're all gas now. And I don't blame them. If I didn't already have a diesel, I wouldn't own one either...expensive in EVERY aspect, not just the engine either. The whole truck.
Back to gas tanks, yes you can thank your good old government for the price hike in tanks...since they all have to be low permeation material, and they swell up now. How do y'all feel about those ventless fuel cans? Aren't those the greatest design ever?