Best way to plug a livewell drain?

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Well-known member
Aug 4, 2009
Reaction score
Southwest VA
I'm going to remove the livewell from the boat. I don't ever use it, and it takes up too much floor space.
The only real issue in removing it is dealing with the drain which runs thru the bottom of the hull.
Livewell Drain.JPG
Instead of removing the drain, and being left with a hole in the hull, I thought I'd just partially fill the fitting with 5200, drive a rubber plug down in it, and then add more 5200 to the top. Once the 5200 cures I'd just cut off the tube below the level of the floor and patch over it.

Is there a better way? Is 5200 the product to use for this (bonding rubber & vinyl)?
How much more trouble would it be to remove it completely and rivet or weld a patch over the hole? The worry that a plug could pop out and sink my boat before I could get to shore would worry me too much to go that route.
I'd have to take it to a welder, lift / jack the boat up, cut out the existing drain fitting and then weld the hull and the floor.
Not a huge job I guess, but not anything I can do myself.
I don't think any sort of plug is going to be under a lot of pressure, maybe I should forget the rubber plug and just fill the fitting with some epoxy?
Makes sense that a welded patch is the way to go, and I found a guy who'll do it for me.

Thanks for the help gentlemen.
you can get screw in thru hull brass plugs.they cost maybe 20 bucks .if you ever need to reattach the well,just unscrew.
Thanks, but even if I ever decided to re-install a live well it wouldn't be thru that drain.
The drain sits squarely on top of the trailer bunk which keeps it from draining...well, it drains, but it takes a week.

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