If I'm not mistaken, the 701 is the same engine as my Super Jet. Good engine!
Check out my aluma-jet thread, lots of pictures and detailed info you can use as reference. If you're using a bolt in aluminum duct, my build is a good reference, as that's the type of setup I have.
As for the throttle control, take a look at the "control box" I built for my boat if you're wanting a control box type setup.
If you need to make a longer throttle cable, buy some 1/16" stainless stranded cable. Then buy some throttle cable conduit and some ends which you can swage in place. The barrel ends can be made by using very short pieces of 1/4" brass round stock, with the end drilled and tapped for setscrew (I think it's #6), then drill a hole through it for the cable to pass through.
Hope this helps. Keep us posted with the progress on your build, and be sure to take lots of pics!