Blue sea add a battery

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Nov 3, 2014
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I installed a blue sea add a battery switch + acr a while back. I set everything up based on the diagram that came with it. It seemed like it was functioning, at least nothing smoked or caught on fire when turned on. It wasn't until later on I realized there was a status led but whether its charging or draining the battery, the led on the acr never turns on or flashes. I've done some basic troubleshooting , browsed the threads gone through the troubleshooting flowchart by blue sea and i cant figure out why it doesn't light up.

I confirmed the ground wire on the acr has a solid connection from the acr to the common ground. The common ground is shared with the acr and both batteries. The motor connects to the switch at the top to B1 (battery 1/starter battery) from the switch it goes to battery 1, another wire goes from battery 1 to the 60a breaker, then to the acr. From the acr is the wire for B2 (battery 2/house battery) to 60a breaker then to positive bus. From the bus, I have a wire going to battery 2 and another wire from the bus to the switch. From the switch it goes to the accessories fuse panel. I have a starter isolation wire plugged into the acr, but it currently is not being used, it us taped off for future use.

When I turn the switch on, I can connect my multimeter to the positive on each battery and there is continuity. Both batteries are between 12.2 and 12.3. When I connect a charger, only one battery is getting a charge, not both.

Im starting to wonder if my acr is a dud out of the box. I attached a photo of my wiring, if somebody can see anything wrong please let me know, I don't want to spend for another acr to find out it's my wiring and not a bad unit. Thank you in advance.


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I would never be able to answer your question but was interested in following your set-up. What has me scratching my head is what I think you are calling the positive bus bar (located on the left of your pic where the B2 lead comes in). Is that really a bus bar or are the individual lugs isolated (like a terminal block)? If it is a bus bar, are the positive and negative cables isolated from each other? If it is a terminal block, are the negative cables jumped together?

I know this is of no help. I'm just asking what is probably a dumb question to understand the set up.
LDUBS said:
I would never be able to answer your question but was interested in following your set-up. What has me scratching my head is what I think you are calling the positive bus bar (located on the left of your pic where the B2 lead comes in). Is that really a bus bar or are the individual lugs isolated (like a terminal block)? If it is a bus bar, are the positive and negative cables isolated from each other? If it is a terminal block, are the negative cables jumped together?

I know this is of no help. I'm just asking what is probably a dumb question to understand the set up.

Not a dumb question as it is kind of hard to tell in the pic. The positive and negative are separated. I attached a photo with the cover off.


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It sure looks like you followed Blue Sea's wiring diagram to me. Unless someone can offer up something else to check, I think I would send this to the folks at Blue Sea Systems.

Some pretty simple things that I suspect you already checked: The motor and start battery cables should go to the two Switch lugs labeled "1". The circuit breakers aren't open.

Wish I could be more help.
When you say connect a charger, how are you connecting the charger?

Does both batteries charge when engine is running?

Also, check the fuse on ARC.
I found my problem. I had the ground and starter isolation backwards. I've got the green blinking led every 15 seconds now indicating it's in standby mode.

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