Braided on Spinning reel?

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If you get into a situation where you are having to cast the knot through the rod guides, you should look at the Slim Beauty knot. It can be tricky to tie but the advantage is that all of the cut tag ends are facing the same direction. So when casting they knot moves seamlessly through the guides.
SkagBass said:
If you get into a situation where you are having to cast the knot through the rod guides, you should look at the Slim Beauty knot. It can be tricky to tie but the advantage is that all of the cut tag ends are facing the same direction. So when casting they knot moves seamlessly through the guides.

Thanks for the Tip!
...After reading this thread yesterday, I went to Dick's sporting goods and picked up another spinning reel and rod, which I lined with braided line last night...

I am so weak... I give in so easily to fishing stuff!!! =P~

UPDATE: I put the rod in my truck this morning with a travel tackle bag just in case I was able to find a spot on my lunch break. Although I didn't catch anything, I was amazed at how smooth the line came off the reel. I really like that setup and am thinking about making at least one of my other spinning rods have braid on it. It was nice!!!
Chris, be sure and check the eyes on your rods. Sometimes the braid will chew thru the eyes on a less expensive rod. And never never never try and pull a snag out with barehand . voice of experience on both lol
I personally LOVE braid on a spinning reel. As for line twist, well a little never hurts and actually helps keep the braid strong. Right now I have one reel setup with 20lb. Power Pro green. Planning to put it to use this coming Sunday!
stratosjoe said:
Chris, be sure and check the eyes on your rods. Sometimes the braid will chew thru the eyes on a less expensive rod. And never never never try and pull a snag out with barehand . voice of experience on both lol

+1 on both suggestions! experienced both as well... :cry:
I use braid (30# test) on two of my spinning outfits...use them for senkos/unweighted plastics in pads
Plus I have a muskie outfit (spinning) that has 50# test, which I use for tubes (it also serves as a backup rod for bass fishing in pads/slop as well)
On all of my spinning reels, at least one spool has braid.

The popping out snags can sometimes be an issue, but other times, I can simply pull hooks straight and get my lures back.

The only downsides I see are when the dye fades on the braid (I keep a sharpie marker with a slit cut into the felt tip for that) and when the braid gets frayed and limp.

The can tie a uni-to-uni on braid to braid and add more braid to your spool when it's time to "re-fill." The uni-to-uni will run right through your guides when you cast.

I pretty much use my braid until it's done...I will even load it off of one spool and onto that the unused "backing line" is now the fresh line on top.
I like braided line and use it mostly on my spinning outfits. I do use mono leader and I like long shock leaders. I wrap mono 3,4 times around the spool, and use uni to uni connection. This way when casting I always handle mono which will not cut into my fingers. Mono leader will also help with less line visibility and will help when you need some line stretching. Very important thing is to handle mono leader with your bare hands when landing a fish in a boat or land, as braid can make some pretty nasty cuts :shock:
Alright, I'll be Negative Nelson. :roll:

I don't like braid on my spinning stuff anymore. At least not on my bass stuff. I have 60# braid on my surf rigs, but that's only to aid in heaving 4oz weights with 11ft rods into Moby Dick territory.

Here's my problem with it on a couple different spinning applications. The first is that I like to throw a weightless (or almost weightless) trickworm/senko. I am 100% convinced I get less bites using braid. To me, it must be partly or solely attributed to the line visibility. Granted, in both applications, I am throwing this setup in slightly stained to clear water, and often times am working this setup slooooow therefore, the fish usually have plenty of time to inspect it. I usually wouldn't throw either setup in heavily stained water, but if I were to, I wouldn't be so against using it. If I were trying to get a reaction strike with a reaction bait/presentation, I'd have no concerns with the visibility, and in fact, could very well be using braid, because I would be fishing near, in, or around grass while fishing a reaction style bait, and I like how braid performs in grass. It quite simply slices through it compared to mono/flouro. I really like how you can "winch" in a fish quickly with braid and avoid having to dig out a 2# fish inside of a 5# mess of grass. I say this only if you're using heavy braid, like 40# stuff, on a stout rod. Rattletraps and flippin also get the nod with braid near thick vegetation. There is no fighting the fish. It's get their head up and reel hard to the boat. Anytime I'm throwing a frog, it's on braid for the same reason. That said, in open water, it's not for me. It's not just the visibility. I know I have missed fish using braid, and here is how. Braid is ultra sensitive (so long as you are in direct contact with the lure) but if you have any slack in your line, you will not feel the bite and given that it has no stretch when you raise your rod tip and lower it down, you can put 4ft of slack in your line very quickly. Also, and like fender said, it is more difficult to detect a strike watching your line using braid. (I haven't gotten the nerve to buy the yellow braid yet) but I've been told it helps. Don't get me wrong, I like braid, just not on every spinning application.
I use 50lb Power Pro on a MH spinning reel for lily pad frog fishing on windy days on the Potomac.
I use the 20lb power pro on all my stuff. med action to ultra light.. i think ill try the Steath next time i re spool as its a little smoother.
The line wearing out gear has me worried now. Will my fugi guides be ok with powerpro line? How well will the knot for a flurocarbon leader pass through the guides?
it doesnt tear up guides like the old braid did.. now if your using 6 dollar walmart rods id be concerned. but you prob wouldnt have 15 dollars worth of line on a 6 dollar rod. i have braid on everything from a Shakespeare excursion rod to a St. Croix and have never had a problem.
Power Pro is the only braid I use. There are other brands that are smoother and quieter, but at twice the price. With the money I save, I can buy a couple bags of Plastics. I use braid on my spinning reels, but not for everything. I use florocarbon and mono for certain tpes of fishing.
Here's a tip! If you have a problem with line twist, start closing the bail by hand instead of cranking. You'll be surprized how much this helps.
i use power pro 30lb on all my spinning reels...all the reels are stradics 2500X4 and 1 3000...they hold line pretty good...closing the bail pretty much explains the line twist problem. as all may know the bigger the reel size the better the spinning reel is for power fishing...i still have problems with my stradics when trying to cast fast and reel in fast...bail always closes and this is only for braided line...power pro is what i will only use....i dont buy the 300 yds spools from the store...ive experienced to many bad packs where lines i buy the 1500yd spool....
Braided on everything,including Spinning reel ,period...and no leaders.I just got back into fishing about three years ago and discovered braid and been hooked ever since (PowerPro, long it has that Spectra by Honeywell stuff =D> ).
I love the Power-Pro! I use a short leader (1-2ft) tied with a uni-uni. Maybe I'm showing the fish the knot, but I don't have to cast the knot through the guides. Maybe I'll try a longer leader after hearing some of the comments on here. In freshwater I try to use a leader a little lighter than the braid, so it will be the weak point. Carry a piece of broom handle or something to wrap it around if you have to break it. I've heard of people wrapping it around their reel seat, etc. also. The only problem I have is that sometimes when the line gets loose at the rod tip it will get hung on part of the tip. I guess that's part of it being limp. It usually happens when getting it off a snag. The best thing is it's longevity. There's no memory, and it's still strong after being on a reel for 3 years. I'm using 30lb on my 6500s, etc and 20lb on the smaller reels.
wow,didn't see anyone mention this. am I the only one that has this problem with braid? we fish for walleyes in a local river. all casting with stickbaits. the braid gets some type of loop in it. I've had this happen 5-6 times a night , fireline is even worse. this isn't happening near the lure , but well up the line. I understand how a knot gets created (close to the lure) and have experienced it with mono , but thats usually like an overhand knot , not a loop. I've heard people refer to these loops as "wind knots". all I know is that I don't have any of these loops when throwing mono. I actually perfer the braid, but would rather not be getting these loops in the line at night , so the line of choice becomes mono.
overboard said:
wow,didn't see anyone mention this. am I the only one that has this problem with braid? we fish for walleyes in a local river. all casting with stickbaits. the braid gets some type of loop in it. I've had this happen 5-6 times a night , fireline is even worse. this isn't happening near the lure , but well up the line. I understand how a knot gets created (close to the lure) and have experienced it with mono , but thats usually like an overhand knot , not a loop. I've heard people refer to these loops as "wind knots". all I know is that I don't have any of these loops when throwing mono. I actually perfer the braid, but would rather not be getting these loops in the line at night , so the line of choice becomes mono.

Wind knots suck!

I find that some braid gets them more often then others - the best so far for avoiding the wind knot is Suffix Performance braid or 832

Additionally, it helps if every so often you take a super long cast and then "pack" the reel by winding the line under tension (just hold it between your fingers)

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