Well-known member
...I know one that left his firearm and belt in a sink in a high school bathroom(he took it off usen the bathroom)...
I guess that brings new meaning to the phrase "Shooting the S&it ! :shock:
...I know one that left his firearm and belt in a sink in a high school bathroom(he took it off usen the bathroom)...
jkbirocz said:It sucks getting a ticket period, but I will never get one for not wearing a seatbelt. Five years ago I was in a wreck with my uncle the day before Easter. He was driving and we were picking up subs and pizza for dinner for the family. I had 2 pizzas and a bag of subs on my lap when we left the pizza shop. With everything on my lap I thought to myself, I'm not gonna put my seatbelt on. My uncle usually never wears his, but he buckled up, so I also did even with the food on my lap.
A few miles down the road, we were hit head on by an 4-runner doing 70 in a 45. Luckily we were OK and only had a ton of bumps and bruises, but of course his week old accord was totalled.
I also got to spend my last few weeks of my freshmen year of college dazed on plenty of vicodin. You could see the seatbelt around my chest and waist in bruise form, for over a month after the crash.
I know there are cases where seatbelts can also kill, but I'll take that chance and buckle up. I am not trying to give you a hard time, cause I believe it is a personal choice to wear a seatbelt.