well done! It looks great.... I just picked up a 1974 Starcraft today. It looks just like yours and I have similiar plans for it. Since I'm new, I want to keep it simple but make it look nice and clean. I was wondering how much you spent on materials so I have an idea of what I'm getting into. The boat came with a nice trailer that looks fairly new, evinrude 9.5 that runs but needs tuned up, minnkota 17lb trolling motor mounted on the bow, hummingbird fish finder (older model but works), lights, anchor, and all the small things you need. I paid $500 for it. The man got it from a relative so he didn't have much in it. It sounded like a good deal so I bought it on impulse and thought it would be a good project..... I love this site!! So many ideas! :mrgreen: