CMC power tilt and trim pt130

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Feb 28, 2024
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Pensacola fl
Recently got this boat and the pig tail for the power tilt and trim was cut off and has 3 wires red, blue and black I can’t figure out what is power or how to wire it can’t find any diagrams online of those three wires only with a green and I don’t have one. It is a shinko motor that the pig tail comes off of.


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Not familar with your setup, but if you can use an ohm meter, find out which wire is ground to the tilt motor.
The other 2 wires should be up and down.
Calling the MFG or finding a wiring diagram via Google search is the best idea.

Typically, the black will be ground and the red will be power, but blue can be anything. Is there a green wire somewhere, maybe cut off short?

With many trim units, + power to blue is up (Blue to the sky) and + power to the green is down. (Green to the grass) Look for a green wire somewhere.

If I could not find any kind of info, and it's only those three wires, I would probably ground the black and touch the red to + power for just an instant and see what happens. If the motor turns, I would see which direction it goes.

Then I would touch the blue to positive for just an instant. If it makes a big spark, STOP. But if it turns the motor in the opposite direction, there you go.

Either way, be careful, and I hope you figure it out.
I just looked online, and you may need the wiring harness with the reversing solenoids, but first, you need to determine whether you have a 2 wire or 3 wire motor. I suspect that it's a 3-wire, but you need to make sure.

With a 3 wire motor, black goes to negative power, and either blue OR red goes to positive power. Direction is determined by which one is powered. DO NOT touch both to + at the same time!

With a 2 wire motor the black is only a ground strap and doesn't do anything. You connect the two colored wires to positive and negative. Swap polarity to change motor direction.

Since you don't know, I would ground the black wire, and then quickly touch the red wire to +. If the motor kicks over, then touch the blue wire to + and see if it reverses. If it does, congrats, you have a 3-wire motor.

If nothing happens when you touch either colored wire to +, disconnect the black and ground the blue wire instead. Then touch the red to + for just a second. If the motor kicks over, good. Note what direction it turns. Then reverse the leads, grounding the red and touching the blue to the + and see if the motor runs in the opposite direction reverses. If the motor works in both directions, ground the black wire and carefully try again. If it still works, you have a 2-wire motor with ground.

If only one wire works on a presumed 3-wire system, or makes really hot sparks, that is a clue. Often an old unit will have a bad motor, and it will need to be replaced. A trim motor is usually only about $65 on Ebay or Amazon brand new, but you would have to search for that.

I hope this helps. If you feel over your head, take it somewhere and let someone else do it.

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