Country Dave
Well-known member
Waiting for my “Flowrite” power stream aerator to get here so I can finish rigging my livewell. :mrgreen:
bigwave said:Hey Dave, I have seen on more than one occasion people using thin pvc board on the inside of square wells....I am not sure where they get it, but you can block behind the corners and put a nice radius on each corner, then they simply glue or glass the very thin board to the side of the well, except for the corners. I have also seen where they use 3-4 in pipe in the corners for support. I have seen it in light blue and it looked very nice.
bigwave said:I am with you on the big overflow. IMO changing as much water as possible in a short time is what bait likes.....the venturi tube you showed earlier is nice, but I would rather have that water flowing through the entire system in a quick cycle.....especially for fragile baits like threadfins and speedo's.......that and the scum goes out of the tank thus making the bait happier. When we do our offshore tournaments we will have over 100 baits that we need to keep alive for 4 days. The wells are huge and we use twin 1600 gph pumps. Keep hacking you guys are so close.....BB has to be loosing his mind by now...... 8)
bigwave said:Hey Dave look at my post in the motor section and give me you thoughts please.
Country Dave said:Hey thanks jvanhees,
I’m hoping to have the live bait well completed this weekend if I get all my parts. That will be a pretty big step. Just chipping a way at it. Most of the stuff that’s left is hopeful going to go fast.
bigwave said:Looks good Dave, correct me if I am wrong......are you ever going to see the sides of the livewell? Dang dude you have thought every inch of your project out.....keep moving on...... =D>
DOBSONFLY said:Livewell parts look great, be excited to see the final install and assembly. 8)