Well-known member
Damn bro, I KNEW you were going to do a tunnel now a TOON ! Whoo hoo...
[url= said:bigwave » 28 minutes ago[/url]"]Very Cool, a mother ship for a tinboat get together......oh wait you said family. I could see that thing resting nicely in the 10000 island area with a bunch of crazy rednecks invading. I cant wait to see what you do.
[url= said:Badbagger » Today, 13:25[/url]"]That toon will be interesting... anything like this ?
[url= said:Badbagger » 26 minutes ago[/url]"]Lol... should you happen to run across any GREAT deals on a say 150 to possibly a 200 engine with a 25" shaft, holler at me with all the details.
[url= said:Mrtoler » Yesterday, 22:42[/url]"]Awesome Dave, I'm really looking forward to the pontoon build since I'm a toon fanatic and all! My new southbay chassis is a lot like your talking about, tritoon, lifting strakes, ski locker, big beefy transom (mine is 300hp) but my boat is 27-1/2' long...
You might consider just buying the chassis instead of building it... The guy I bought this one from has another just like it right now and he also has a 30'er set up for twin 300's... Or i know another guy who sells pontoon tubes and he often has 20' ears with transoms already built on...
If I was doing what your talking about I'd build a cabin on the stern with A/C and all the comforts of home and keep the front deck open for the skiff.... Something like this but smaller
You might also consider this, just a sunbrella enclosure since its removable
[url= said:Mrtoler » 22 minutes ago[/url]"]Sounds good Dave, let me know if I can help with the toon build....
I will put my new build on here once I start on it, I'm still trying to finish my 1860 so I can sell it and help fund the new toon... I put my last toon build on here also.
[url= said:hudflat » 33 minutes ago[/url]"]Hi Dave,Im reading deep into these last post's and please correct me if im wrong.. but are you ready to settle down? thats cute that your making a place for the girl to hang out and wait while you fish.. when's the wedding? are you going to sell the 1752 also?
keep your eyes on craigslist too. there are tons of good deals on good machines out there.[url= said:Country Dave » 27 Nov 2013, 12:27[/url]"]I will probably spend the first 6 months sourcing equipment and material,
Starting with a good Tig/Mig I have my eye on this one. Going to practice my azz off until my welds look like a roll of dimes. After the welder I will be looking for the Jon hull. The Pontoon boat will be a ground up Tritoon build.
I’m a realest and understand you don’t master Tig welding in six mounts. So that will be the biggest challenge but I’m a fast learner and I’m always up for new things and new challenges. The second problematic issues I will have to overcome will be a safe and efficient way to offload and retrieve the skiff from the deck of the toon. I’ve got it down to two possible ways and heavily leaning towards one.
[url= said:typed by ben » 3 minutes ago[/url]"]keep your eyes on craigslist too. there are tons of good deals on good machines out there.[url= said:Country Dave » 27 Nov 2013, 12:27[/url]"]I will probably spend the first 6 months sourcing equipment and material,
Starting with a good Tig/Mig I have my eye on this one. Going to practice my azz off until my welds look like a roll of dimes. After the welder I will be looking for the Jon hull. The Pontoon boat will be a ground up Tritoon build.
I’m a realest and understand you don’t master Tig welding in six mounts. So that will be the biggest challenge but I’m a fast learner and I’m always up for new things and new challenges. The second problematic issues I will have to overcome will be a safe and efficient way to offload and retrieve the skiff from the deck of the toon. I’ve got it down to two possible ways and heavily leaning towards one.
after that just stack up material and start practicing. i had the benefit of a mentor but they dont have to look over your shoulder but for the first 30 minutes or so. the rest is you getting used to everything
aluminum is hard to learn on but you will get it. cant beat a guy that doesnt quit.
theres nothing like seat time for real. pre and post flow are pretty easy. for a tungsten id stick with 2% thoriated, especially when youre just starting out. there are a few sources out there that tell you pure tungsten but i tried that and blew off probably 5 tips before i got sick of it.[url= said:Country Dave » Yesterday, 15:58[/url]"]
Hey thanks bro,
I am "committed" to learning how to Tig. Not bad with oxygen/acetylene and the Mig wire feed wasn't to bad either but I know Tig is the most default to master. I've been reading everything I can and watching a few videos. First trying to fully understand the right settings, pre and post flow. The right tungsten, right amperage etc. Once I've got a real good understating of that I will start practicing. Thanks for your encouragement................. :mrgreen: