On the note of fly fishing, I learned it about 6 years ago, started out with a cheap setup from Wal-Mart (I think it was a berkley rod) I figured it was a cheap enough setup, it wouldn't be a major loss of money if I ended up not liking it. Now, I will say I probably bastardize the sport, because instead of using flies, I tend to use a circle hook with live bait. Many hard-core fly fishermen would berate me for that, but it works for me, and it's guaranteed to catch fish.
Anyhow, as with any method of fishing in salt water using live shrimp, you're guaranteed to catch pinfish, which usually sucks, but on a fly rod, they are great practice for learning how to feel a bite and set the hook. Once I caught a couple of spot tail bass on the fly rod, I went to Bass Pro shops and bought a better fly rod setup. Very first trip out with that rod, not only did I catch a couple of spot tails, but I also caught a 4 pound trout!
Well, then I started playing around with it at the jetties, putting fiddler crabs on the hook, catching sheepshead, black drum, and even a few tautog.
And then I went one better, to up the challenge a little more. I started playing around with a 20 ft bream buster pole, but instead of rigging with mono, I use about 15 ft of old fly line, with about 3 ft of 20# leader, then a 14# tippet. I like using the fly line, because it won't tangle like mono. Also, it's great casting practice for the fly rod, as the same type of motions are used. And, since the fly line floats on the surface, it works great as a strike indicator, which is what you need for sheepshead, since they have a delicate bite. Biggest fish I caught on that rod was a 7 pound sheepshead, and that was a workout!! I've also caught a lot of spot tail bass with it as well.