Coyote Trapping

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Well-known member
Apr 13, 2009
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Top of the Food Chain
I've never been into trapping.. too much of a dog lover.

However, things have gotten out of hand on my buddy's property. We spent the weekend up there and heard howling and yipping every night. Walked the property (heavily wooded 40 acres) and had tracks everywhere.

We're looking to do some trapping in the off season, and to be honest I have no idea where to start. We need something cheap and effective, because hunting the **** things is next to impossible with the lack of clearings. Plus there are plenty of neighbors around, and I'm sure they'd love hearing shots go off in the middle of the night :lol:

Anyone have any advice?
I trapped my way thru college. I would not use traps, I would use snares. Lot cheaper and lot less work. Traps you have to dye and dip in wax to make scent free, not to mention things one has to know setting them.
Snares one does not have to worry about scents, just set them at right heights in paths or trails. One can set them in middles of bare pasture in trail and a yote will follow the trail and get caught in one.
Check local laws, if it allows baiting your snare sets that is even better. The way this is done is put carcus of animal in middle of tall grass field, drive truck in few different directions from carcus. Set 3-4 snares in trails tires made in grass. They will follow trails right into snares. By setting more then 3 in trail one often gets multiple yotes or if it misses one snare it will get caught in next one down trail.
I agree with using snares as well. Just follow the laws of your state. Both my labs have been caught in them during pheasant season, but the state I was hunting required that snares have a stop put on them so they can only cinch down so tight so neither dog was hurt.
Snare stops are there to avoid animals getting caught by leg. Canines usually stop pulling when things pull on neck. However cats and coons will not, they will fight til death.
What is nice about snares is one can target type if animal you are after by height and size of snare. Coyotes it's 12" loop set 12" high. Coons, cats and other small animals will walk right under that height.
There are different type of snares. Some that will not loosen, those will dispatch animal in it, others that stay somewhat free like dogs choker chain.