bigwave said:
Awesome, I cant wait to see that one, I think you should make it a twin engine super charged jet boat....then you could James Bond those little spoil islands. I could just picture you jumping over them, instead of going around them........ 8)
Yeah, my buddy says we should just go ahead and do the twin engine build. I agree, except, twin engines means twice as much money to invest....and I'm a cheap SOB....LOL.
As far as being able to just go over sandbars, the intercooled supercharged engine would be the way to go for that, as it has a closed-loop cooling system, debris will not clog that engine (you still have to be careful, though, because it does use water from the pump to feed water to the waterbox....if you run it dry, you can melt a hose) But other than that, as long as the heat exchanger plate is in contact with water, the closed loop engines won't run hot.
This afternoon, I went for another test run in the boat, and took my girlfriend with me, to see how it ran with an extra person in the back.
Even with that 12 gallon tank moved to the stern on the port side, there was no issue with porpoising, the boat still had sharp steering response and good handling in turns, and it got on plane quickly, even with the engine trimmed up a little bit (before the modification, I had to trim all the way down to take off, and even then, the stern wanted to plow)
So, I think I've got it right this time. I knew it was just a minor adjustment required. Hated to put anything in the stern, but it turns out I had enough room for that tank, turned long-ways in fact, and even with my storage box under there. =D>
And at least with the portable tank, I can move the thing around to clean underneath it, unlike the fixed position tank with its 1/2" of anaerobic bacteria slime growing underneath