Devastation in Texas

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Well-known member
Nov 2, 2007
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Geneva, Illinois
Waterwings said:
Although I've been venting about the gas prices rising, we shouldn't forget about the people on the Gulf Coast in Galveston and surrounding areas that will probably lose everything they have due to Ike and the storm surge.

I thought I would start a new thread about the devastation in Texas. Legbrker has a sister who lives right smack dab in the middle of where it hit (or is about to hit) - Freeport, I think?? They evacuated yesterday and are, sadly, expecting to lose everything except what they were able to pack up in their car. Maybe Legbrkr can fill us in more if she sees this post? Anyway, took Waterwing's post and moved it to here to separate it from the rising gas prices thread.......
My sister and brother -in-law live on a water cannel that's about 2 miles long that comes in right off the gulf. They are just a little north on the outskirts of Freeport.

They were able to evacuate safely, and are currently bunking with my nephew in Dallas.

My bother-in-law has lived in Texas his entire life and has spent most of his time on the gulf coast. This is the first time in the 30+ years I have known him that he has actually packed what he could and left. Usually he sends my sister and the kids, when they were little, inland for a couple of days and rides out the storm.

I'll keep everyone posted as I know more.

Pray for those who who couldn't evacuate and get out of there in time.
I can truely understand what they are going through. We are still rebuilding from a direct hit from Katrina. During Hurricane Gustav I had a tornado touch down in my yard ripping shingles and siding off (that was brand new thanks to Katrina). I guess it's a price you pay to live on the coast.
I work out of New Orleans and Ike put 6' of water into our shipyard last night. Thats almost 300 miles away. Imagine what it is like close to the eye.

Prayers sent to those members, their families and everyone who may be impacted by this.

God Bless.
They are expecting that the leftovers will travel all the way up here near chicago and maybe further north. It started raining last night and isn't supposed to stop till sunday or monday.

Thoughts and prayers go out to them.
It's not bad here.....nice breeze I sunshine here & there.

I have a house in Rockport Texas (just 30 miles north of Corpus Christi) and that was looking like ground zero until the trough started pushing Ike more north sooner than some expected. While I am selfishly grateful to be spared Ike's wrath, my thoughts and prayers go out to those affected. I'm sure many that live on the coast have the same torn feelings about hurricanes as I do. When they start heading your way, you just want them to go somewhere else and you know SOMEBODY is gonna get hammered, just as long as it's not me. Afterwards you almost feel guilty that you were spared but relieved at the same time.

As far as this rain we're getting in Illinois, I don't think that's from Ike... yet. If I remember the weather map, Ike was going to hit Southern Illinois and go through Indiana and Ohio, Pa and on up
Ike was going to hit Southern Illinois and go through Indiana and Ohio, Pa and on up

We're getting wind remnants from Ike right now here in north western Ky. Gusting to 45mph, and it's rattlin' my wooden house. Makes the window screens "sing" when the wind vibrates them. Not a day to be on the water! :shock:
Yep, headed this way (rain). It's a bit more breezy than yesterday. Man it would have been a nice night (last night) to be out....oh well #-o

I received an update from my sister last night.

They have a home to go back to. It's in bad shape, but it is standing.

They have a long road ahead of them in the clean up. But again, they are thankful they still have something to come back too. For now they have to find temporty housing.

They are being told it will take about 2 months before the electricity can be turned on in the area. This will slow down the clean up process. They are suppose to get water today. Phone service is still very limited.

My BIL says it will be some time next year before he will consider starting up the fishing charters again. He said the Gulf water is pretty dirty and it will take a while for it to be cleaned up. He said most of us don't want to see what's floating around out there right now. Things most of us don't think about, but he pointed out, was look at what the water brings in, think about what it takes back out with it.

They are going to try to send pictures.
I haven't the slightest idea the of how bad things can get in a hurricane, lived in North Dakota my entire life, but my thoughts and prayers are with those who have been affected.

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