[url=https://www.tinboats.net/forum/viewtopic.php?p=321449#p321449 said:
PSG-1 » 07 Jul 2013, 10:05[/url]"]I've been fishing in saltwater since about 1983, and riding jet skis since 1986, and what it boils down to folks, is a little thing called CFC
That stands for "Common F^#king Courtesy"
A responsible jet skiier NEVER rides in close proximity to boats, especially those who are fishing. That's the surest way to piss people off, and get clobbered by a fishing rig, or just looking for a 465 dollar ticket for negligent operation from a DNR officer. Idiot jet skiiers make for bad relations between boaters, fishermen, and jet skiiers. It only takes one or two to make us all look bad.
We all have a right to the water, and at the same time, no one person "owns" the water, that includes both jet skiiers, as well as fishermen. A jet skiier harassing a fisherman is a wildlife violation in itself (at least in SC) It amounts to "impeding the right to fish, hunt, or trap", and that not only carries a fine, but an automatic 1 year suspension of the violator's hunting and fishing licenses. On the other side of the coin, hurling fishing rigs at jet skiiers, as tempting as it may be, could amount to a charge of "aggravated assault" which is a felony. If someone hurled a rig at me, I'd be making a call to DNR and the Sheriff's Dept, and watch them cuff and stuff that person, and tote them off to jail.
Again, it boils down to courtesy and respect. A little bit on both sides, and this kind of BS can be avoided.
In closing, blaming all jet skiiers for the actions of a few irresponsible jackasses is about the same as blaming all gun owners for the actions of a few rampage shooters, and wanting to take away guns from the majority of law-abiding citizens.
That's a democrat/boot camp/elementary school mentality, to punish the majority for the actions of a few.
Sorry if that offends anyone, but I'm gonna call it like I see it, because I'm an equal opportunity offender.