Fiberglass on pink board

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Jul 13, 2010
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Southwest Arkansas
In the front of my boat I am making a couple of dry storage areas under the deck. Since the floor of these areas are on the curved portion of the front, it will be hard to make a solid floor. I have thought about placing pink board between the ribs and covering the whole box with fiberglass. My goal is to have a semi dry box. Would this work, or would the resin melt the pink board.
with anything of this nature, I usually run a test first.
then, you will know from your own testing what will and will not work.
So many people toss in their own experiences of epoxies and resins that
may or may not work on your material.

Jus my Dos Centavos
I don't know very much at all about the different kinds of foam, however there is a business here in town that builds the deer hunting box blinds and they start out with a box made out of styrofoam and glass over it. Like Johnny said try it on a small piece outside the boat and go from there.
Resin will eat up the pink board. You'll need to make a skin with the glass and once cured then place it over the foam.

Epoxy resins are harder to source locally - everything is available online of course, but the stuff they sell in the chain auto stores or Wally-world are all poly-resins.

I've heard that there is a sealant (similar to a tacky glue) available in hobby shops that you can apply to the foam first then once it sets it acts as a barrier to the poly-resin. No experience with it though.
Sorry but

Epoxy resin is as available as Urethane. West Marine carries both. Home Depot - nope.

Wholesale masonry supplies will have both and they are the same as marine products.

Just make sure you understand the difference between the two - because they have different properties and applications.
Pink foam board is extruded polystyrene. It will get pretty messed up if exposed to 212 degrees or more. DO not use the epoxy resins that get hot and are capable of solidifying in a cup. West Marine has a polyester resin that must be used in conjunction wit glass cloth. Wont work with out the cloth. This will be like building a boat.

Have you thought about using some thick foam glued and just lining the inside with plastic drop cloth? You can use the spray adhesive stuff. As long as the plastic sheet is one piece it will be waterproof.