Zum, I may end up stenciling some sort of pattern eventually, but for now I'm pleased with OD. GrumMan, I'm just a little further South of Cammanche, thinking about hitting up the Wapsi tailwaters this weekend. If I end up going there I'll let you know how I do. Now that I've got it painted up, the next project will be decking it out. There's a small deck up front, but the wood is starting to go. I think I'm going wait a month or so, I figure I'll fish out of it as it is right now and that may change my plans a bit. BUT, here's what I'm thinking/planning on right now.
I've thought about ripping/cutting out the middle bench, but upon further thought, I've decided to keep there and instead build and elevated deck from the front all the way back, covering the middle bench.
My next thought is, If I bring the deck just below rail, I'll have about a 3 inch difference between the top of the bench and the bottom of the decking. I'd like to build a set of lockers running on either side, stretching from the front of the rear bench, up and over the middle bench, ultimately stretching 8 feet. I figure this will allow me to put my life jackets, throwables, etc in the rear half of the lockers, put the rods on top, close 'er up and be ready to roll. At 18'' wide, this would leave me a 3' wide floor in the rear half of the boat.
Then I'd like build a rear deck basically covering the rear bench. A couple of hatches (open on the inside for ventilation) would cover the gas tank, and make for much cleaner look.
Like I said this is what I'm thinking at the moment. It's all subject to change, and if you guys have anything thoughts or input I'd enjoy hearing them.