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Aug 2, 2010
Reaction score
So over the weekend I'm letting the dog out for his morning business as usual and I happen to look over at the yard one house over from ours and happened to notice what looked like a boat under a tarp behind a shed. I mentioned it to my wife because the folks whose yard it was are friendly, their son plays with our dog, etc... I figured maybe one day I'd just bring it up in conversation and say "Hey, what are you doing with that old boat?" Today when I got home from work I noticed my wife and the dog were over on the front lawn of the other house with the couple and their kids just talking. When I walked over the woman said "PLEASE TAKE THAT OLD BOAT!!!" My eyes about popped out of my head :shock: As it turns out they were just shooting the breeze and the woman happened to tell my wife that they really needed a new shed but they had to get rid of an old boat that was sitting behind it first-then she said, "You guys like the outdoors, do you think your husband would want it?" :LOL2: I haven't seen it yet but it looks like an old "runabout"-not really a fishing boat-kind of like this:


I'm just basing that on the fact that it has a windshield-that's all I can really see around the tarp-probably 14-16'. It has a motor which apparently ran when they bought it and its on a trailer-they got it used from a family that used to live in the neighborhood-they sold it when they moved. It definitely needs work (it needed work when they bought it) and it's been sitting under a tarp for years in their backyard-they just never got around to fixing it up. I'm going to look at it/get it out this weekend so I'll snap plenty of pics. Cash is tight right now so the build will be slow, but it'll be worth it!
Jim said:
Nice score! :beer:

Thanks-I just want to add a disclaimer though that the boat pictured is not the one I'm getting-it's just a picture of something similar I dug up on the internet. The real pics will be up soon though!

There's a guy near where I work that digs up vintage runabouts, restores and sells them. He's turned out some slick looking boats the last few years.
Nothing in the world is free.......especially when it comes to boats. But it sure is fun.
jellio5 said:
Nothing in the world is free.......especially when it comes to boats. But it sure is fun.

Hehe...yeah I know, but for someone like me who doesn't have the cash to plunk down $1000-2000 all at once for a solid used boat, having something free to start with is a big help. This way I can spend $50-100 at a time a weekend here and a weekend there to get it going. I have a good friend who is a marine mechanic so he's willing to look over the motor, steering system, etc...and give me an idea of what its going to take to get it in order. He said most stuff he can probably guide me through but he'll come up on the weekends and work for beer :mrgreen: Pics to come this weekend...
Well, worse case it'll cost about $40 to get rid of it at the landfill if it's a rottened glass boat...
