Gettin ready

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Well-known member
Nov 3, 2008
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sacramento ky
Welp....It is 14 degrees here as I type this lil Diddy....Was wonderin what you guys do when its to cold to get out and I fish all year but even this is to cold for me :lol: this is a few things i been doin to get ready for another season.....

Got 15 reels to clean so far i have done 8.... not all needed a complete break down but i do take the side casings off all them and at least take a cotton swab and lil cleanin fluid and wipe them all down inside and put a dab of grease on gears and hot sauce on all the moving parts just a very light amount....

I have changed out treble hooks on several of my crankbaits ...I am changing a lot of the new ones with short shank hooks main reason is because it helps lure from tangling hooks when casting better it seems.....and I always upside all my crankbaits at least one hook size really increases your hook up in my opinion and also if ya fish a lot of grass bigger hooks help rip the bait thru the weeds easier....also i have sharpened some my spinner bait ,swim bait ,jigs hooks etc...etc ...that i used a lot last yr....

I have changed out 3 tips on rods so far if ya do a lot of crankin ya need to really keep an eye out on the tip and the guide below it they get all the pressure when ya crankin and when yer fighting a fish,,, If they get those lil grooves in em ya need to change em out they'll cut your line at the most in-opportune time and may be when ya get the fish of a lifetime on....Fugi tips are easy to change and ya can find em most anywhere....

I respoolin all my reels with new line too...I buy line in 1000 and 3000 yard bulks so that somethin i do all yr anyways...2 main things between u and ur fish is ur hooks and ur line no matter what kinda rod and reel ya use so check ur line a lot

I been re-organizing all my tackle too ... amazing how things get so as cue all yr ...I got stuff thrown all over the place in my boat too... been trying to organize it better too ....I added a couple those Do-it lights (the lil ones ya touch and get a bright LED light) under the lid of my back deck where I keep gas tank and batts really helps when yer werkin back there...Thinkin about puttin some these lil light on my bow sides when i fish at night...

I changed the lower unit oil in lower unit and somethin i been doin for several yrs is i keep a small heater blowin on my lower unit all winter long when not in use.. My old garage isn't heated very good so I don't want that frozen your lookin a some major bucks if it ever does... Just a lil idiosyncrasy I have...Also I have been tightening every screw I have in my boat and Out board motor including Foot control Tm amazing how they work loose in the yr also changed the TM rope don't want that thing breakin on me again while fishin like it did once on me this yr what a pain to fix out on the lake........I have battery tenders on all my batteries boat including lawn mower batteries and motorcycle batteries... Even at that I give all my batts a full charge every couple weeks cold weather really drains em...

I checked my trailer bunks last time I went fishing and i think they'll make it couple more yrs till I have to do any maintenance on them...May have to change out wench rope on trailer tho....Greased wheel bearings last time I went... I check my buddy bearings bout every 4 trips and shoot a lil grease in them then....

Just a few things I been doin so I am ready and Hopin the weather breaks in next couple weeks ....God be with you all ..........................................JIGGY
Great read.. I am still fishing the cold tho, I need to get some "Getting ready" time here soon.. Talking about crank baits, check these thing s out, I bought two yesterday to try out...

Bugpac said:
Great read.. I am still fishing the cold tho, I need to get some "Getting ready" time here soon.. Talking about crank baits, check these thing s out, I bought two yesterday to try out...


That's it? That all your going to say about them? Secret? :lol:
I clean my equipment, reorganize my reorganizing. Right now I have no boat so I bank fish when and where I can. I have saved enough to buy a Tin rig now and look forward to getting back on the water!! he gets warm in my part of the country around 1st of march so I am running out of time to get a project ready for spring. I started to go and buy a new fishing rod the other day until I counted the one's already hanging on the wall and thought better of it. I do have to buy new tackle bag mine was lost in the move. Awe (New Stuff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) i hate when that happen's! :twisted:
Jim said:
Bugpac said:
Great read.. I am still fishing the cold tho, I need to get some "Getting ready" time here soon.. Talking about crank baits, check these thing s out, I bought two yesterday to try out...

That's it? That all your going to say about them? Secret? :lol:

Oh sorry, havent used them yet, thought they looked cool and I have lost several trebble cranks over the last 2-3 months, I will report when i get one in hand... Here is were they are from... I am in no way affiliated, the gon started a thread about tackle companies in Ga yesterday, and i ran across these, chances are Russ010 knows this guy, as it is based out of Canton Ga...

Sorry for the Hijack to BTW...
They look interesting...Keep us informed on your hook up ratio with them....Tanks JIGGY
those are sweet cranks.. I'd like to give them a try. I have a ton of cranks but I'm finding I rarely use them because theres nothing but nasty weedy bottoms around me.

With they made something a little shallower and lighter though..
I haven't done a thing to my few rods. Loosened the drag on the reels, covered them with reel covers, put rod socks on the rods, and put them in the rack in the garage. I'll mess with them around late March when it starts to get warmer.
Good read Jiggy... it reminds me that I need to re-spool and clean my reels soon.
I do not stop fishing even in the winter - just change locations and tactics. Until the freeze is off (at least 35*) I stick to salt water fishing for the most part (and trout in FW)

The problem with non-stop fishing is that my tackle becomes a jumbled mess - I have a few large boxes each with a 50 or so Striper crank baits all tangled together. I have bags and bags of Smallmouth baits all disorganized and whenever I get free time I shove all the mess aside so I can get to my tog rigs.

I need help!
I need to do the following before march:
-Put new brushes in Trolling motor
-Buy and install two more High Pressure Sodium Lights on the boat
-Install Stereo into boat
-Sharpen/Replace arrow tips
-Extend the Deck on the boat
-Install my BlueWater LEDs
-Possibly Craft a windshield
-Build Video Camera mount for the Boat
-acquire a spare bow for first timers
-Give my bow a new paint job for the new season
-Put new nocks on any arrows that need them
-buy more arrow components
-Re carpet a couple bunks on the trailer
Haven't worked since before Christmas due to the weather.So all of our gear made it from the boat to the basement.Rods are lined up on the wall,tackle bags unloaded and contents spread out on the pool table.Margaret and I are going through everything when we feel like it.It's not like we have to hurry.Looks like it will be March berfore we can hit the water.It gives us something to do when we get bored.
Im just as addicted to ice fishing as I am to open water. the time between ice and open water and open water to walkable ice is my only real down time.

My garage is unheated with no power so I dont do much with the boat untill spring.

I also do the organize and reorganize thing as well.

I also spend lots of time during the winter researching new techniques/lures/locations to try once the lakes open up.
in between moveing snow and ice and when that is done another storm sets down on us and i do it all over we have been working on the starcraft that i am giveing to my son as well as working on a house boat that we started on in sept the house boat should be back in the lake at the start of summer we hope we did all of the repairs to the fishing gear at the end of the season when we had our rainy spell we thought we would still be fishing here now but the good lord above gave us all this snow and cold so we could get these boats done thats what i am saying anyways my boy said that the fish needs a break but the forcast is saying that it will be time to go catch some cats in a few weeks i hope there right i love my wife but dont want to be cooped up in the house with her much longer lol