Groundhog Day

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Well-known member
Oct 5, 2008
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Lake in the Hills Illinois
Well tomorrow we find out when spring will be.
My local weather says no shadows in northern Illinois.
So It's an early spring for me.
60% chance of showers in Atlanta tomorrow so probably not many shadows. I sure wish Spring would hurry up.
Jim said:
Can we eat groundhog? 8)


Take gun (.22 cal is good). Load with bullets and accurately fire at head [we're assuming the groundhog's head, not your own].

Skin groundhog and gut him. Clean out carcass with waterhose.

Cut critter into quarters.

Make up a big batch of your favorite marinade (make sure it has oil and vinegar to help tenderize the groundhog).

Throw marinade and critter pieces into plastic trash bag and marinade around 2 to 3 days in the refrigerator.

Take out marinated critter pieces and throw on the grill on low heat. Cook until rare to medium rare. Do not overcook, critter will dry out.

And no one likes their critter dry.
I ate Ground Hog "Critter" before, had corn with it, Corn Critter. It wasnt bad.
redbug said:
well we are all screwed the dam rat saw his shadow.. 6 more weeks!!!
I trust my local rodent more then some east coast liberal one.
I was watching the Weather Channel at 5:30am central time,you know "Wake Up With Al".Well they were explaining where Puksatawny was in relation to Pitttsburgh and Philly with their satellite map.Telling us the whole state of Pennsylvania was shrouded with cloud cover,not much of a chance of seeing any shadows.
Well on the way to work this morning,"Breaking News", the darn varmant saw his shadow.Oh well,So much for Al Roker.
S&MFISH said:
I was watching the Weather Channel at 5:30am central time,you know "Wake Up With Al".Well they were explaining where Puksatawny was in relation to Pitttsburgh and Philly with their satellite map.Telling us the whole state of Pennsylvania was shrouded with cloud cover,not much of a chance of seeing any shadows.
Well on the way to work this morning,"Breaking News", the darn varmant saw his shadow.Oh well,So much for Al Roker.
Can you say conspiracy.
Actually I have eaten groundhog and I BBQed it and it was amazingly good...It was a young one and was not tough at all kinda between a squirrel and a rabbit....JIGGY