Hard to I.D. 78 Starcraft 18.7ft Aluminum with 140HP Inboard


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New member
Sep 15, 2016
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Hi to all of you on TinBoats.net.
I found this site a few years back but lost track of the site when my old system had a hard crash and corrupted my hard drive.
Back then I was looking for idea's on modifying Aluminum boats for fishing and get a better idea of the pro's and con's by their brands and get ideas before I actually bought a boat. Well now I have just picked up a 1978 18.4ft STARCRAFT Super Sport Bowrider with a 6ft7" beam and a 3.0 Litre,4 cylinder Alpha One inboard based on a 140HP GM Block and attached to an old Pre Gen1 Mercruiser 165 Ratio Outdrive unit with a gear driven tilt mechanism. And everything works. So far I am having one hell of a time properly identifying this model. I can't even match the engine blocks serial number to the Iboats database so I am doubting it's the original engine. But most examples I can find are Outboard based so I don't know if this model has a different model name.

I thought I still had pictures from the ad saved to include here, but it appears I didn't save them and the ad is now gone.
So I will have to take some New pictures this week to post here to help me get a better idea of what I actually have before I start modding it.
My intention is to redo this vintage bowrider into a Multi Species Walleye/Pickerel Boat to accommodate both dual Casting Decks as well as a accommodate deep water trolling.

One of my early idea is to fabricate both bow and stern casting risers out of aluminum square tube topped with aluminum checkerplate decks. And design them to be removed in one piece to allow for a completely flexible configuration depending on my need and also allow for everything to be accessible for service.
I just have to come up with a good quick release setup that allows for the removal of either bow or stern casting platforms as well as way to quickly lock it down to secure it in place. The only problem I see is based on what limitations are created by the inboard engines height and how much clearance the engine and flash arrestor actually needs from the decking. I will update this with pictures as soon as I take them this weekend.

These are some examples I found online that come close in appearance (if anyone has any insight I would appreciate any input)
This first example is even the exact color of my 18.4ft Starcraft...
I'm pretty sure this is the identical model only referred to as a Super Sport.

This next one is also the same color, just in a 16ft outboard version and is also called a SuperSport

try this link for info on your boat. you will find everything you need to know about it.
welcome aboard !!

have you investigated the transom for soft spots, leaks,
leaking bellows, seals, main bearing noises ?

My brother bought a mid-70s Sea Ray with the Alpha One OD
and it lasted two days after he bought it.......
the bearings burned up for whatever reason, the bellows had a
crack under the OD that was not noticible in our inspection.
after removing the OD, found the transom wood to be mush . . .

I learned a LOT with "helping" him in that fiasco.
That was our only experience with the Alpha One . . . and it was a bad one.
Thanks for the link g0nef1sshn. That will be helpful.

And thanks for the welcome Johnny!
I was very fortunate with this boat because the previous owner had already redone the floor three years ago and recarpeted it as well. He also added some nice touches of walnut stained wood on the sides and passenger dash. And the transom is solid.
the only real issues that I need to take care of is the nav lights in either replacing bulbs or rewiring them. Possibly might have to replace the stern beacon light. The boat is usable as is, and we plan on getting in on the perch season before we put her away for the season. That will also help me to better understand its limitations and strength before I completely crystallize all my idea's into a plan.
I finally got around to taking a few snaps of her the other day while I was taking measurements.

View attachment 2

Starcraft_18.4ft_140hp inboard_AlphaOne_Bow05 .JPG

Starcraft_18.4ft_140hp inboard_AlphaOne02b .JPG

I already know that the outdrive is antique to put it mildly. But she is still working. And should still get two years out of her before I will need to actually do something about the drive unit,
I have already started the process of searching online for Alpha One Gen 1 outdrives with the hydraulic trim and a less fragile and water tight gimbal assembly. And there is no shortage of cheap components and segments that I can restore and refinish into a complete unit before I actually have to swap it.

The other issue I'm having is that I'm struggling with the idea of stripping down the hull exterior at some point either partially or completely to bare aluminum and polishing it... Or just rough the existing paint and just paint over it. The existing paint is still looking pretty good, so its not a pressing need. But eventually I would like to change the color... I personally am not tied to trying to keep this boat OEM and do a factory restoration. I'm more interested in seeing how to evolve her into a more modernized and comfortable boat that will be a joy to be on for extended hours.

Thanks for the heads up and hope you will check in on the progress.
It won't be a fast change, but I will be around this site looking for insight from the experts here and trying to learn on the fly.



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congrats again on your find . . . .

for the first few outings, I would not go past the point that
I could comfortably paddle back in if the need arose......

I have a nice video of my old '59 Crestliner pulling my brothers
Sea Ray for a couple of miles if you would like to see it. . .
we had to walk 3 miles back to the landing.

Common Sense will carry you far !!
Words to live by Johnny!
Generally, I'm a pretty cautious guy.
First time out will be in the company of many other boats of friends not far from the launch at Port Dover on Lake Erie.
So even if the engine fails to start, we can still fish until our friends are ready to head in, or if the need is more urgent, it would only take one companion boat to tow us back to the launch in about 15 minutes. And besides, the wind will end up pushing us back to short since the wind mostly comes from WSW which lines up with the beach or near enough to the harbor entrance that it won't be a huge ordeal in getting her back to the trailer. Besides, I have 40 years of experience in big water lakes. Not so much on Lake Erie as yet since I was raised on Lake Ontario and fished Lake Simcoe and Georgian Bay most of my life which have many of the same characteristics of Erie as far as behavior goes. Quick to blow up into storms with sizable waves that can end as fast as they start or last hours if not a day.

I do take the time to follow meteorology reports even when I have no plans to go on the lakes and prefer not to be out in big chop so I do plan accordingly. But I do love to fish when the wind and water is calm and it's overcast and raining. But most of the time we have pretty good sunny days with moderate winds here, and we're always close enough to shore just in case... We also have a flotilla of OPP(Ontario Provincial Police) marine units and a Canadian coastguard station right beside the Port Dover Pier. So ya! We're pretty lucky to have such a good safety net here.

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