Have you ever hooked and landed a canadian goose?


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Well-known member
Dec 6, 2007
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I did today :shock: ....and the **** thing even let me take the hook out of its foot. Stupid bird swam right into my lure as I was retrieving it. It took all the drag my reel had plus a lot of thumb to reel that sucker in!

At least I didn't get skunked! :LOL2:
I try to avoid catching geese and swans... I'll normally stop reeling if they're crossing my line.. seems like the only humane and decent thing to do...
Nothing like flying a seagul like a kite with a zara spook attached to it's chest. Makes it even better when you're in a cove with about 6 other boats watching =D>
Brine said:
Nothing like flying a seagul like a kite with a zara spook attached to it's chest. Makes it even better when you're in a cove with about 6 other boats watching =D>

How about drowning a duck in front of a bunch of families.......................... :shock:
Jim said:
Brine said:
Nothing like flying a seagul like a kite with a zara spook attached to it's chest. Makes it even better when you're in a cove with about 6 other boats watching =D>

How about drowning a duck in front of a bunch of families.......................... :shock:
Back in '66 down in Hatteras, NC a group of 20 something (age) guys came out on the pier we were fishing from and started "fishing" for seagulls. They were using a rod and reel with a dead bait fish tied to the line, no hooks, and just casting that out and waiting for a gull to pick it up and swallow it and then they would just start reeling in their "catch". The gull would take off and it was kinda like flying a kite in a hurricane getting the thing in. Once they had the bird in hand they got it to regurgitate the bait and then let them go. They caught about 20 birds in an hour or so. #-o
I did the seagul thing but the pellican was the over the top fight. But I did land it and got the hooks out and felt like I did 5 rounds of MMA in 2 min.
I'll leave it at that. I also got my 15" cutbow back that it tried to eat.
Jim said:
How about drowning a duck in front of a bunch of families.......................... :shock:


You win
Brine said:
Jim said:
How about drowning a duck in front of a bunch of families.......................... :shock:


You win

The worst part is having your kids ask you out loud "whats going on with the duck dad?" "What did you do to the duck dad?" Everyone is starting to look........

Im in shear panic mode now, trying to get them into the car so we can leave.....oh man......... :LOL2:
I snagged a beaver once on a jug line at Navarro Mills lake :!: That was no fun [-X
So I guess I'm not the only one that has had "bird" problems..... :LOL2:
Several years ago while surf fishing the Outer Banks NC, I hooked a sea gull with a big casting spoon during a feeding frenzy. There was a huge school of silversides up in the surf and the frenzy was on. There were blues and albacore running through the school sending silverside flying everywhere. There were about 50 guys on the beach slinging spoons. I saw the guy next to hook a gull and was like "wow that sucks, how's he gonna deal with that?" Well I found out on the next cast. I was trying to get in front of the one of the big albacore making a run and a stupid gull hit the spoon as soon as it splashed. NOT FUN!!!! They put up pretty good fight.
When I was growing up, we used to store our cane poles in the barn. One afternoon while I was in the barn one of our cats apparently was playing with the hook which was dangling from one of the poles. As soon as the cat became "hooked" it went ballistic and started this godawful screeching. It started flailing about like you would not believe. By the time I managed to get the cat under control and remove the hook everything was a tangled mess. So, how do you manage to get a cat unhooked from a cane pole? Very carefully. Wear welding gloves when attempting this feat.
ACarbone624 said:
I did today :shock: ....and the **** thing even let me take the hook out of its foot. Stupid bird swam right into my lure as I was retrieving it. It took all the drag my reel had plus a lot of thumb to reel that sucker in!

At least I didn't get skunked! :LOL2:

Sure, right!!! So where's the pics wise guy????? LOL!!!!!