Would definitely second the grounding solution. We ended up using a connector on the ground wire that looked like a circle, with a tube/crimp on one end and used a bolt to hold the ground wire against that trailer frame through a hole. once that is done and you still arent getting juice we will usually take an angle grinder and file to the mounting plates on the rear. If thats not gettin it take a volt meter and see where it leads, if it goes all the way to the back and you have a decent grounding platform check the bulb, Ect... We once worked on one for so long and come to find out just recently that the dogs got a hold of the wires on the car and shorted out the right side... :roll: #-o Now wonder all the trailers I hooked up to did the same thing!!! #-o #-o #-o Man did I feel smart.... Just gotta remember if you got an issue its will usually be a grounding problem! hope this helps, keep us posted!